1. Winnings provided in section 99D.11 not claimed by the person
who placed the wager within sixty days of the close of the racing
meet during which the wager was placed shall be forfeited.
2. Winnings from each racetrack forfeited under subsection 1
shall escheat to the state and to the extent appropriated by the
general assembly shall be used by the department of agriculture and
land stewardship to administer section 99D.22. The remainder shall
be paid over to the commission to pay all or part of the cost of drug
testing at the tracks. To the extent the remainder paid over to the
commission, less the cost of drug testing, is from unclaimed winnings
from harness race meetings, the remainder shall be used as provided
in subsection 3. To the extent the remainder paid to the commission,
less the cost of drug testing, is from unclaimed winnings from
licensed dog tracks, the commission shall remit annually five
thousand dollars, or an equal portion of that amount, to each
licensed dog track to carry out the racing dog adoption program
pursuant to section 99D.27. To the extent the remainder paid over to
the commission, less the cost of drug testing, is from unclaimed
winnings from tracks licensed for dog or horse races, the commission,
on an annual basis, shall remit one-third of the amount to the
treasurer of the city in which the racetrack is located, one-third of
the amount to the treasurer of the county in which the racetrack is
located, and one-third of the amount to the racetrack from which it
was forfeited. If the racetrack is not located in a city, then
one-third shall be deposited as provided in chapter 556. The amount
received by the racetrack under this subsection shall be used only
for retiring the debt of the racetrack facilities and for capital
improvements to the racetrack facilities.
3. a. One hundred twenty thousand dollars of winnings from
wagers placed at harness race meetings forfeited under subsection 1
in a calendar year that escheat to the state and are paid over to the
commission are appropriated to the racing commission for the fiscal
year beginning in that calendar year to be used as follows:
(1) Eighty percent of the amount appropriated shall be allocated
to qualified harness racing tracks, to be used by the tracks to
supplement the purses for those harness races in which only Iowa-bred
or owned horses may run. However, beginning with the allocation of
the appropriation made for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992,
the races for which the purses are to be supplemented under this
paragraph shall be those in which only Iowa-bred two-year and
three-year olds may run. In addition, the races must be held under
the control or jurisdiction of the Iowa state fair board, established
under section 173.1, or of a fair, as defined under section 174.1.
(2) Twenty percent of the amount appropriated shall be allocated
to qualified harness racing tracks, to be used by the tracks for
maintenance of and improvements to the tracks. Races held at the
tracks must be under the control or jurisdiction of the Iowa state
fair board, established under section 173.1, or of a fair, as defined
under section 174.1.
(3) For purposes of this subsection, "qualified harness racing
track" means a harness racing track that has either held at least
one harness race meeting between July 1, 1985, and July 1, 1989, or
after July 1, 1989, has applied to and been approved by the racing
commission for the allocation of funds under this subsection. The
racing commission shall approve an application if the harness racing
track has held at least one harness race meeting during the year
preceding the year for which the track seeks funds under this
b. Notwithstanding section 8.33, unencumbered or unobligated
funds remaining on June 30 of the fiscal year for which the funds
were appropriated shall not revert but shall be available for
expenditure for the following fiscal year for the purposes of this
subsection. Section History: Recent Form
83 Acts, ch 187, § 13; 86 Acts, ch 1246, § 509; 89 Acts, ch 216,
§4, 5; 90 Acts, ch 1233, § 5; 90 Acts, ch 1261, § 32; 91 Acts, ch
166, §5; 2004 Acts, ch 1019, §4; 2005 Acts, ch 3, §26; 2005 Acts, ch
179, §113, 114; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, § 201
Referred to in § 99D.9, 99D.10