1. As used in this section unless the context otherwise requires:
a. "Bleeder" means, according to its context, any of the
(1) A horse which, during a race or exercise, is observed by the
commission veterinarian or a licensed practicing veterinarian to be
shedding blood from one or both nostrils and in which no upper airway
injury is noted during an examination by the commission veterinarian
or a licensed practicing veterinarian immediately following such a
race or exercise.
(2) A horse which, within one and one-half hours of such a race
or exercise, is observed by the commission veterinarian or a licensed
practicing veterinarian, through visual or endoscopic examination, to
be shedding blood from the lower airway.
(3) A horse which has been certified as a bleeder in another
(4) A horse which has furosemide listed on its most recent past
(5) A horse which, by recommendation of a licensed practicing
veterinarian, is prescribed furosemide to control or prevent bleeding
from the lungs.
b. "Bleeder list" means a tabulation of all bleeders
maintained by the commission veterinarian.
c. "Detention barn" means a secured structure designated by
the commission.
2. Phenylbutazone shall not be administered to a horse in dosages
which would result in concentrations of more than five micrograms of
the substance or its metabolites per milliliter of blood.
3. If a horse is to race with phenylbutazone in its system, the
trainer, or trainer's designee, shall be responsible for marking the
information on the entry blank for each race in which the horse shall
use phenylbutazone. Changes made after the time of entry must be
submitted on the prescribed form to the commission veterinarian no
later than scratch time.
4. If a test detects concentrations of phenylbutazone in the
system of a horse in excess of the level permitted in this section,
the commission shall assess a civil penalty against the trainer of at
least two hundred dollars for the first offense and at least five
hundred dollars for a second offense. The penalty for a third or
subsequent offense shall be in the discretion of the commission.
5. Furosemide may be administered to certified bleeders. Upon
request, any horse placed on the bleeder list shall, in its next
race, be permitted the use of furosemide. Once a horse has raced
with furosemide, it must continue to race with furosemide in all
subsequent races unless a request is made to discontinue the use. If
the use of furosemide is discontinued, the horse shall be prohibited
from again racing with furosemide unless it is later observed to be
bleeding. Requests for the use of or discontinuance of furosemide
must be made to the commission veterinarian by the horse's trainer or
assistant trainer on a form prescribed by the commission on or before
the day of entry into the race for which the request is made.
6. Once a horse has been permitted the use of furosemide, the
horse must be treated with furosemide in the horse's stall, unless
the commission provides that a horse must be brought to the detention
barn for treatment. After the furosemide treatment, the commission,
by rule, may authorize the release of the horse from the horse's
stall or detention barn before the scheduled post time. If a horse
is brought to the detention barn late, the commission shall assess a
civil penalty of one hundred dollars against the trainer.
7. A horse entered to race with furosemide must be treated at
least four hours prior to post time. The furosemide shall be
administered intravenously by a veterinarian employed by the owner or
trainer of the horse. The commission shall adopt rules to ensure
that furosemide is administered as provided in this section. The
commission shall require that the practicing veterinarian deliver an
affidavit signed by the veterinarian which certifies information
regarding the treatment of the horse. The affidavit must be
delivered to a commission veterinarian within twenty minutes
following the treatment. The statement must at least include the
name of the practicing veterinarian, the tattoo number of the horse,
the location of the barn and stall where the treatment occurred, the
race number of the horse, the name of the trainer, and the time that
the furosemide was administered. Furosemide shall only be
administered in a dose level of no less than one hundred fifty
milligrams and no more than five hundred milligrams.
8. A person found within or in the immediate vicinity of the
detention barn or horse stall who is in possession of unauthorized
drugs or hypodermic needles or who is not authorized to possess drugs
or hypodermic needles shall, in addition to any other penalties, be
barred from entry into any racetrack in Iowa and any occupational
license the person holds shall be revoked. Section History: Recent Form
88 Acts, ch 1137, § 13; 92 Acts, ch 1203, §11; 94 Acts, ch 1100,
§5; 97 Acts, ch 23, §12; 98 Acts, ch 1006, §1, 2; 98 Acts, ch 1217,
§10; 2004 Acts, ch 1136, §23; 2007 Acts, ch 48, §2--5, 7
Referred to in § 99D.25