1. If the commission is satisfied that this chapter and its rules
adopted under this chapter applicable to licensees have been or will
be complied with, the commission shall issue a license for a period
of not more than three years to an applicant to own a gambling game
operation, to an applicant to operate a gambling structure, and to an
applicant to operate an excursion gambling boat. The commission
shall decide which of the gambling games authorized under this
chapter the commission will permit. The commission shall decide the
number, location, and type of gambling structures and excursion
gambling boats licensed under this chapter. The commission shall
allow the operation of an excursion boat or moored barge on or within
one thousand feet of the high water marks of the rivers, lakes, and
reservoirs of this state as established by the commission in
consultation with the United States army corps of engineers, the
department of natural resources, or other appropriate regulatory
agency. The license shall set forth, as applicable, the name of the
licensee, the type of license granted, the location of the gambling
structure or the place where the excursion gambling boats will
operate and dock, and the time and number of days during the
excursion season and the off season when gambling may be conducted by
the licensee.
2. a. An applicant for a license to conduct gambling games on
an excursion gambling boat, and each licensee by June 30 of each year
thereafter, shall indicate and have noted on the license whether the
applicant or licensee will operate a moored barge, an excursion boat
that will cruise, or an excursion boat that will not cruise subject
to the requirements of this subsection. If the applicant or licensee
will operate a moored barge or an excursion boat that will not
cruise, the requirements of this chapter concerning cruising shall
not apply. If the applicant's or licensee's excursion boat will
cruise, the applicant or licensee shall comply with the cruising
requirements of this chapter and the commission shall not allow such
a licensee to conduct gambling games on an excursion gambling boat
while docked during the off season if the licensee does not operate
gambling excursions for a minimum number of days during the excursion
season. The commission may delay the commencement of the excursion
season at the request of a licensee.
b. However, an applicant or licensee of an excursion gambling
boat that is located in the same county as a racetrack enclosure
conducting gambling games shall not be allowed to operate a moored
barge unless either of the following applies:
(1) If the licensee is located in the same county as a racetrack
enclosure conducting gambling games that had less than one hundred
million dollars in adjusted gross receipts from gambling games for
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003, the licensee of an excursion
gambling boat is authorized to operate a moored barge if the
licensee, the licensee of the racetrack enclosure, and all other
licensees of an excursion gambling boat in that county file an
agreement with the commission agreeing to the granting of a table
games license under this chapter and permitting all licensees of an
excursion gambling boat in the county to operate a moored barge as of
a specific date.
(2) If the licensee is located in the same county as a racetrack
enclosure conducting gambling games that had one hundred million
dollars or more in adjusted gross receipts from gambling games for
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003, the licensee of an excursion
gambling boat is authorized to operate a moored barge the earlier of
July 1, 2007, or the date any form of gambling games, as defined in
this chapter, is operational in any state that is contiguous to the
county where the licensee is located.
c. A person awarded a new license to conduct gambling games
on an excursion gambling boat or gambling structure in the same
county as another licensed excursion gambling boat or gambling
structure shall only be licensed to operate an excursion gambling
boat or gambling structure that is located at a similarly situated
site and operated as a substantially similar facility as any other
excursion gambling boat or gambling structure in the county.
3. A license shall only be granted to an applicant upon the
express conditions that:
a. The applicant shall not, by a lease, contract,
understanding, or arrangement of any kind, grant, assign, or turn
over to a person the operation of an excursion gambling boat licensed
under this section or of the system of wagering described in section
99F.9. This section does not prohibit a management contract approved
by the commission.
b. The applicant shall not in any manner permit a person
other than the licensee to have a share, percentage, or proportion of
the money received for admissions to the excursion gambling boat.
4. The commission shall require, as a condition of granting a
license, that an applicant to operate an excursion gambling boat
develop and, as nearly as practicable, re-create boats or moored
barges that resemble Iowa's riverboat history.
5. The commission shall require that an applicant utilize Iowa
resources, goods and services in the operation of an excursion
gambling boat. The commission shall develop standards to assure that
a substantial amount of all resources and goods used in the operation
of an excursion gambling boat emanate from and are made in Iowa and
that a substantial amount of all services and entertainment are
provided by Iowans.
6. The commission shall, as a condition of granting a license,
require an applicant to provide written documentation that, on each
excursion gambling boat:
a. An applicant shall make every effort to ensure that a
substantial number of the staff and entertainers employed are
residents of Iowa.
b. A section is reserved for promotion and sale of arts,
crafts, and gifts native to and made in Iowa.
7. It is the intent of the general assembly that employees be
paid at least twenty-five percent above the federal minimum wage
8. A license shall not be granted if there is substantial
evidence that any of the following apply:
a. The applicant has been suspended from operating a game of
chance or gambling operation in another jurisdiction by a board or
commission of that jurisdiction.
b. The applicant has not demonstrated financial
responsibility sufficient to meet adequately the requirements of the
enterprise proposed.
c. The applicant is not the true owner of the enterprise
d. The applicant is not the sole owner, and other persons
have ownership in the enterprise, which fact has not been disclosed.
e. The applicant is a corporation and ten percent of the
stock of the corporation is subject to a contract or option to
purchase at any time during the period for which the license is to be
issued unless the contract or option was disclosed to the commission
and the commission approved the sale or transfer during the period of
the license.
f. The applicant has knowingly made a false statement of a
material fact to the commission.
g. The applicant has failed to meet a monetary obligation in
connection with an excursion gambling boat.
9. A license shall not be granted if there is substantial
evidence that the applicant is not of good repute and moral character
or if the applicant has pled guilty to, or has been convicted of, a
10. a. A licensee shall not loan to any person money or any
other thing of value for the purpose of permitting that person to
wager on any game of chance.
b. A licensee shall not permit a financial institution,
vendor, or other person to dispense cash or credit through an
electronic or mechanical device including but not limited to a
satellite terminal, as defined in section 527.2, that is located on
the gaming floor.
c. When technologically available, a licensee shall ensure
that a person may voluntarily bar the person's access to receive cash
or credit from a financial institution, vendor, or other person
through an electronic or mechanical device including but not limited
to a satellite terminal as defined in section 527.2 that is located
on the licensed premises.
11. a. A license to conduct gambling games on an excursion
gambling boat in a county shall be issued only if the county
electorate approves the conduct of the gambling games as provided in
this subsection. The board of supervisors, upon receipt of a valid
petition meeting the requirements of section 331.306, shall direct
the commissioner of elections to submit to the registered voters of
the county a proposition to approve or disapprove the conduct of
gambling games on an excursion gambling boat in the county. The
proposition shall be submitted at an election held on a date
specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph "a". To be
submitted at a general election, the petition must be received by the
board of supervisors at least five working days before the last day
for candidates for county offices to file nomination papers for the
general election pursuant to section 44.4. If a majority of the
county voters voting on the proposition favor the conduct of gambling
games, the commission may issue one or more licenses as provided in
this chapter. If a majority of the county voters voting on the
proposition do not favor the conduct of gambling games, a license to
conduct gambling games in the county shall not be issued.
b. If licenses to conduct gambling games and to operate an
excursion gambling boat are in effect pursuant to a referendum as set
forth in this section and are subsequently disapproved by a
referendum of the county electorate, the licenses issued by the
commission after a referendum approving gambling games on excursion
gambling boats shall remain valid and are subject to renewal for a
total of nine years from the date of original issue unless the
commission revokes a license at an earlier date as provided in this
c. If a licensee of a pari-mutuel racetrack who held a valid
license issued under chapter 99D as of January 1, 1994, requests a
license to operate gambling games as provided in this chapter, the
board of supervisors of a county in which the licensee of a
pari-mutuel racetrack requests a license to operate gambling games
shall submit to the county electorate a proposition to approve or
disapprove the operation of gambling games at pari-mutuel racetracks
at an election held on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection
4, paragraph "a". If the operation of gambling games at the
pari-mutuel racetrack is not approved by a majority of the county
electorate voting on the proposition at the election, the commission
shall not issue a license to operate gambling games at the racetrack.
d. If the proposition to operate gambling games on an
excursion gambling boat or at a racetrack enclosure is approved by a
majority of the county electorate voting on the proposition, the
board of supervisors shall submit the same proposition to the county
electorate at the general election held in 2002 and, unless the
operation of gambling games is terminated earlier as provided in this
chapter or chapter 99D, at the general election held at each
subsequent eight-year interval.
e. After a referendum has been held which defeated a proposal
to conduct gambling games on excursion gambling boats or which
defeated a proposal to conduct gambling games at a licensed
pari-mutuel racetrack enclosure as provided in this section, another
referendum on a proposal to conduct gambling games on an excursion
gambling boat or at a licensed pari-mutuel racetrack shall not be
held for at least eight years.
12. If a docking fee is charged by a city or a county, a licensee
operating an excursion gambling boat shall pay the docking fee one
year in advance.
13. A licensee shall not be delinquent in the payment of property
taxes or other taxes or fees or in the payment of any other
contractual obligation or debt due or owed to a city or county.
14. When applicable, an excursion gambling boat operated on
inland waters of this state or an excursion boat that has been
removed from navigation and is designated as a permanently moored
vessel by the United States coast guard shall be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the department of natural resources and
meet all of the requirements of chapter 462A and is further subject
to an inspection of its sanitary facilities to protect the
environment and water quality before a certificate of registration is
issued by the department of natural resources or a license is issued
or renewed under this chapter.
15. If a licensed excursion boat stops at more than one harbor
and travels past a county without stopping at any port in that
county, the commission shall require the excursion boat operator to
develop a schedule for ports of call in which a county referendum has
been approved, and the port of call has the necessary facilities to
handle the boat. The commission may limit the schedule to only one
port of call per county.
16. Upon a violation of any of the conditions listed in this
section, the commission shall immediately revoke the license.
17. The commission shall require each licensee operating gambling
games to post in conspicuous locations specified by the commission
the average percentage payout from the gambling machines. Section History: Recent Form
89 Acts, ch 67, §7; 89 Acts, ch 139, § 2--5; 92 Acts, ch 1203,
§15, 16; 93 Acts, ch 143, §42; 94 Acts, ch 1021, §16--18; 95 Acts, ch
49, §2; 95 Acts, ch 176, §4, 5; 2004 Acts, ch 1136, §41--47, 65; 2004
Acts, ch 1175, §328; 2007 Acts, ch 188, §11, 12; 2008 Acts, ch 1115,
§30, 71
Referred to in § 99F.1, 99F.4, 99F.8, 99F.10