1. A member of the board, any officer, or other employee of the
authority shall not directly or indirectly, individually, as a member
of a partnership or other association, or as a shareholder, director,
or officer of a corporation have an interest in a business that
contracts for the operation or marketing of the lottery as authorized
by this chapter, unless the business is controlled or operated by a
consortium of lotteries in which the authority has an interest.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 68B, a person
contracting or seeking to contract with the state to supply gaming
equipment or materials for use in the operation of the lottery, an
applicant for a license to sell tickets or shares in the lottery, or
a retailer shall not offer a member of the board, any officer, or
other employee of the authority, or a member of their immediate
family a gift, gratuity, or other thing having a value of more than
the limits established in chapter 68B, other than food and beverage
consumed at a meal. For purposes of this subsection, "member of
their immediate family" means a spouse, child, stepchild, brother,
brother-in-law, stepbrother, sister, sister-in-law, stepsister,
parent, parent-in-law, or step-parent of the board member, the
officer, or other employee who resides in the same household in the
same principal residence of the board member, officer, or other
3. If a board member, officer, or other employee of the authority
violates a provision of this section, the board member, officer, or
employee shall be immediately removed from the office or position.
4. Enforcement of this section against a board member, officer,
or other employee shall be by the attorney general who upon finding a
violation shall initiate an action to remove the board member,
officer, or employee.
5. A violation of this section is a serious misdemeanor. Section History: Recent Form
2003 Acts, ch 178, §73, 121; 2003 Acts, ch 179, §142