As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Adult" means an individual who is eighteen years of age
or older.
2. "Agent" means an individual who meets any of the following
a. Is authorized to make health care decisions on the
principal's behalf by a durable power of attorney for health care
pursuant to chapter 144B.
b. Is expressly authorized to make an anatomical gift on the
principal's behalf by any other record signed by the principal.
3. "Anatomical gift" or "gift" means a donation of all or
part of the human body effective after the donor's death, for the
purposes of transplantation, therapy, research, or education.
4. "Decedent" means a deceased individual whose body or part
is or may be the source of an anatomical gift and includes a
stillborn infant.
5. "Disinterested witness" means a witness other than the
spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandchild, grandparent, or guardian
of the individual who makes, amends, revokes, or refuses to make an
anatomical gift, or any other adult who exhibited special care and
concern for the individual. "Disinterested witness" does not
include a person who may receive an anatomical gift pursuant to
section 142C.5.
6. "Document of gift" means a donor card or other record used
to make an anatomical gift, including a statement or symbol on a
driver's license or identification card, or an entry in a donor
7. "Donor" means an individual whose body or part is the
subject of an anatomical gift.
8. "Donor registry" means a database that contains records of
anatomical gifts and amendments of anatomical gifts.
9. "Driver's license" means a license or permit issued by the
state department of transportation to operate a vehicle, whether or
not conditions are attached to the license or permit.
10. "Eye bank" means a person that is licensed, accredited,
or regulated under federal or state law to engage in the recovery,
screening, testing, processing, storage, or distribution of human
eyes or portions of human eyes.
11. "Forensic pathologist" means a pathologist who is further
certified in the subspecialty of forensic pathology by the American
board of pathology.
12. "Guardian" means a person appointed by a court to make
decisions regarding the support, care, education, health, or welfare
of an individual, but does not include a guardian ad litem.
13. "Hospital" means a hospital licensed under chapter 135B,
or a hospital licensed, accredited, or approved under federal law or
the laws of any other state, and includes a hospital operated by the
federal government, a state, or a political subdivision of a state,
although not required to be licensed under state laws.
14. "Identification card" means a nonoperator's
identification card issued by the state department of transportation
pursuant to section 321.190.
15. "Iowa donor network" means the nonprofit organization
certified by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services of the
United States department of health and human services as the single
organ procurement agency serving the state and which also serves as
the tissue recovery agency for the state.
16. "Iowa donor registry" means the Iowa donor registry
administered by the Iowa donor network.
17. "Know" means to have actual knowledge.
18. "Medical examiner" means an individual who is appointed
as a medical examiner pursuant to section 331.801 or 691.5.
19. "Minor" means an individual who is less than eighteen
years of age.
20. "Organ procurement organization" means a person
designated by the United States secretary of health and human
services as an organ procurement organization.
21. "Parent" means a parent whose parental rights have not
been terminated.
22. "Part" means an organ, an eye, or tissue of a human
being, but does not include the whole body of a human being.
23. "Pathologist" means a licensed physician who is certified
in anatomic or clinical pathology by the American board of pathology.
24. "Person" means person as defined in section 4.1.
25. "Physician" means an individual authorized to practice
medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery under the
laws of any state.
26. "Procurement organization" means an eye bank, organ
procurement organization, or tissue bank.
27. "Prospective donor" means an individual who is dead or
near death and has been determined by a procurement organization to
have a part that could be medically suitable for transplantation,
therapy, research, or education, but does not include an individual
who has made a refusal.
28. "Reasonably available" means able to be contacted by a
procurement organization without undue effort and willing and able to
act in a timely manner consistent with existing medical criteria
necessary for the making of an anatomical gift.
29. "Recipient" means an individual into whose body a
decedent's part has been transplanted or is intended for transplant.
30. "Record" means information that is inscribed on a
tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium
and is retrievable in perceivable form.
31. "Refusal" means a record created pursuant to section
142C.3 that expressly states an individual's intent to prohibit other
persons from making an anatomical gift of the individual's body or
32. "Sign" means to do any of the following with the present
intent to authenticate or adopt a record:
a. Execute or adopt a tangible symbol.
b. Attach to or logically associate with the record an
electronic symbol, sound, or process.
33. "State" means any state of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands,
or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States.
34. "Technician" means an individual determined to be
qualified to remove or process parts by an appropriate organization
that is licensed, accredited, or regulated under federal or state law
and includes an enucleator.
35. "Tissue" means a portion of the human body other than an
organ or an eye, but does not include blood unless the blood is
donated for the purpose of research or education.
36. "Tissue bank" means a person that is licensed,
accredited, or regulated under federal or state law to engage in the
recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage, or distribution of
37. "Transplant hospital" means a hospital that furnishes
organ transplants and other medical and surgical specialty services
required for the care of transplant patients. Section History: Recent Form
95 Acts, ch 39, §2; 2001 Acts, ch 74, §3; 2002 Acts, ch 1064, §1,
2; 2007 Acts, ch 44, §2; 2009 Acts, ch 133, §43
Referred to in § 423.3