As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Advisory committee" means the state pseudorabies advisory
committee composed of swine producers and other representatives of
the swine industry, appointed pursuant to section 166D.3.
2. "Approved premises" means a dry lot facility located in an
area with confirmed cases of pseudorabies infection, which is
certified by the department to receive, feed, and move or relocate
infected swine as provided in section 166D.10B.
3. "Approved premises permit" means a permit issued by the
department necessary for a person to own and operate an approved
4. "Breeding swine" means swine over six months of age.
5. "Certificate of inspection" means a document approved by
the United States department of agriculture or the department of
agriculture and land stewardship, and issued by a licensed
veterinarian prior to the interstate or intrastate movement of swine
or to the relocation of swine. The certificate of inspection must
state all of the following:
a. The number, description, and identification of the swine
to be moved.
b. Whether the swine to be moved are known to be infected
with or exposed to pseudorabies.
c. The farm of origin.
d. The purpose for moving the swine.
e. The point of destination of the swine.
f. The consignor and each consignee of the swine.
g. Additional information as required by state or federal
6. "Certificate of veterinary inspection" means the same as
defined in section 163.2.
7. "Cleanup plan" means a herd cleanup plan or feeder pig
cooperator herd cleanup plan as provided in section 166D.8.
8. "Concentration point" means a location or facility where
swine are assembled for purposes of sale or resale for feeding,
breeding, or slaughtering, and where contact may occur between groups
of swine from various sources. "Concentration point" includes a
public stockyard, auction market, street market, state or federal
market, untested consignment sales location, buying station, or a
livestock dealer's yard, truck, or facility.
9. "Cull swine" means mature swine fed for purposes of direct
slaughter. However, "cull swine" does not include swine kept for
purposes of breeding or reproduction.
10. "Differentiable test" means a laboratory procedure
approved by the department to diagnose pseudorabies. The procedure
must be capable of recognizing and distinguishing between
vaccine-exposed and field-pseudorabies-virus-exposed swine.
11. "Differentiable vaccinate" means a swine which has only
been exposed to a differentiable vaccine.
12. "Differentiable vaccine" means a vaccine which has a
licensed companion differentiable test, and includes a modified-live
differentiable vaccine.
13. "Direct movement" means movement of swine to a
destination without unloading the swine in route, without contact
with swine of lesser pseudorabies vaccinate status, and without
contact with infected or exposed livestock.
14. "Epidemiologist" means a state or federal veterinarian
designated to investigate and diagnose suspected pseudorabies in
livestock. The epidemiologist must have had special training in the
diagnosis and epidemiology of pseudorabies.
15. "Exposed" means an animal that has not been kept separate
and apart or isolated from livestock infected with pseudorabies,
including all swine in a known infected herd.
16. "Exposed livestock" means livestock that have been in
contact with livestock infected with pseudorabies, including all
livestock in a known infected herd. However, livestock other than
swine that have not been exposed to a clinical case of the disease
for a period of ten consecutive days shall not be considered exposed
livestock. Swine released from quarantine are no longer considered
17. "Farm of origin" means a location where the swine were
born, or on which the swine have been located for at least ninety
consecutive days immediately prior to movement.
18. "Feeder pig" means an immature swine fed for purposes of
direct slaughter which weighs one hundred pounds or less.
19. "Feeder pig cooperator herd" means a swine herd not
currently determined to be pseudorabies negative, that has not
experienced clinical signs of pseudorabies in the last six months,
that is capable of segregating offspring at weaning into separate and
apart production facilities, and has implemented an approved
pseudorabies eradication plan.
20. "Feeder swine" means swine fed for purposes of direct
slaughter, including feeder pigs and cull swine. However, "feeder
swine" does not include swine kept for purposes of breeding or
21. "Fixed concentration point" means a concentration point
which is a permanent location where swine are assembled for purposes
of sale and movement to a slaughtering establishment as provided in
section 166D.12.
22. "Herd" means a group of swine as established by
departmental rule.
23. "Herd cleanup plan" means a plan to eliminate
pseudorabies from a swine herd. The plan must be developed by an
epidemiologist in consultation with the herd owner and the owner's
veterinary practitioner. The plan must be approved and signed by the
epidemiologist, the owner, and the practitioner. The plan must be
approved and filed with the department.
24. "Herd of unknown status" means all swine except swine
which are part of a known infected herd, swine known to have been
exposed to pseudorabies, or swine which are part of a noninfected
25. "Infected" means infected with pseudorabies as determined
by an epidemiologist whose diagnosis is supported by test results.
26. "Infected herd" means a herd that is known to contain
infected swine, a herd containing swine exhibiting clinical signs of
pseudorabies, or a herd that is infected according to an
27. "Inspection service" means the animal and plant health
inspection service, United States department of agriculture.
28. "Isolation" means separation of swine within a physical
barrier in a manner to prevent swine from gaining access to swine
outside the barrier, including excrement or discharges from swine
outside the barrier. Swine in isolation must not share a building
with a ventilation system common to other swine. Swine in isolation
must not be maintained within ten feet of other swine.
29. "Isowean feeder pig" means a feeder pig that weighs
twenty pounds or less.
30. "Known infected herd" means a herd in which swine have
been determined by an epidemiologist to be infected.
31. "Licensed pseudorabies vaccine" means a pseudorabies
virus vaccine produced under license from the United States secretary
of agriculture under the federal Virus, Serum and Toxin Act of March
4, 1913, 21 U.S.C. § 151 et seq.
32. "Livestock" means swine, cattle, sheep, goats, horses,
ostriches, rheas, or emus.
33. "Monitored herd" means a herd of swine, including a
feeder swine herd, which has been determined within the past twelve
months not to be infected, according to a statistical sampling.
34. "Move" or "movement" means the same as defined in
section 163.30.
35. "Noninfected herd" means a herd which is one of the
a. A qualified pseudorabies negative herd.
b. A pseudorabies monitored herd.
c. A herd in which the animals have been individually tested
negative within the past thirty days.
d. A herd which originates from an area with little or no
incidence of pseudorabies as determined by the department based upon
epidemiological studies and information relating to the area.
e. A qualified differentiable negative herd.
36. "Nonvaccinate" means a swine which has not been exposed
to a pseudorabies vaccine.
37. "Pseudorabies" means the contagious, infectious, and
communicable disease of livestock and other animals known as
Aujeszky's disease, mad itch, or infectious bulbar paralysis.
38. "Pseudorabies eradication plan" means a written herd
management program which is based on accepted statistical and
epidemiological evaluation and designed to eradicate pseudorabies
from the swine herds in a given area.
39. "Qualified differentiable negative herd" means a herd in
which one hundred percent of the herd's breeding swine have been
vaccinated and have reacted negatively to a differentiable test and
which have been retested, as provided in this chapter.
40. "Qualified negative herd" means a herd in which one
hundred percent of the herd's breeding swine have reacted negatively
to a test, and have not been vaccinated, and which is retested as
provided in this chapter.
41. "Quarantined herd" means a herd in which pseudorabies
infected or exposed swine are bred, reared, or fed under the
supervision and control of the department, as provided in section
42. "Reaction" means a result determined by an approved
laboratory procedure designed to recognize pseudorabies virus
infection or a nondifferentiable vaccinated animal.
43. "Relocate" or "relocation" means the same as defined
in section 163.30.
44. "Relocation record" means a record as maintained by the
owner of swine in a form and containing information as required by
the rules adopted by the department, which indicates a relocation of
swine as provided in section 166D.10.
45. "Restricted movement" means swine which are moved or
relocated as provided in section 166D.10A.
46. "Separate and apart" means to hold swine so that neither
the swine nor organic material originating from the swine has
physical contact with other animals.
47. "Slaughtering establishment" means a slaughtering
establishment operated under the provision of the federal Meat
Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. § 601 et seq., or a slaughtering
establishment which has been inspected by the state.
48. "Stage II county" means a county designated by the
department as in stage II of the national pseudorabies eradication
49. "Statistical sampling" means a test based on at least a
ninety percent probability of detecting at least a ten percent
incidence of positive reaction within a herd.
50. "Test" means a serum neutralization (SN) test, virus
isolation test, ELISA test, or other test approved by the department
and performed by a laboratory approved by the department.
51. "Transportation certificate" means a written document
evidencing that the movement or relocation of swine complies with the
requirements of this chapter, and which may be a transportation
certificate as provided in chapter 172B, or another document approved
by the department, including but not limited to one or more types of
forms covering different circumstances, as prescribed by the
department. Section History: Recent Form
89 Acts, ch 280, § 2; 90 Acts, ch 1091, § 1--3; 92 Acts, ch 1163,
§ 42; 95 Acts, ch 43, § 5; 97 Acts, ch 183, § 2--6, 13; 2000 Acts, ch
1110, §1--4, 25; 2001 Acts, ch 24, §34; 2004 Acts, ch 1163, §26
Further definitions; see § 159.1