1. The extension council has for its sole purpose the
dissemination of information, the giving of instruction and practical
demonstrations on subjects relating to agriculture, home economics,
and community and economic development, and the encouragement of the
application of the information, instruction, and demonstrations to
and by all persons in the extension district, and the imparting to
the persons of information on those subjects through field
demonstrations, publications, or other media.
2. The extension district, its council, or a member or an
employee as a representative of either one or the other shall not
engage in commercial or other private enterprises, legislative
programs, nor attempt in any manner by the adoption of resolutions or
otherwise to influence legislation, either state or national, or
other activities not authorized by this chapter.
3. The extension council or a member or employee thereof as a
representative of either the extension district or the extension
council shall not give preferred services to any individual, group or
organization or sponsor the programs of any group, organization or
private agency other than as herein provided by this chapter.
4. The extension council may collect reasonable fees and may seek
and receive grants, donations, gifts, bequests, or other moneys from
public and private sources to be used for the purposes set forth in
this section, and may enter into contracts to provide educational
5. The extension council and its employed personnel may cooperate
with, give information and advice to organized and unorganized
groups, but shall not promote, sponsor or engage in the organization
of any group for any purpose except the promoting, organization and
the development of the programs of 4-H clubs. Nothing in this
chapter shall prevent the county extension council or extension
agents employed by it from using or seeking opportunities to reach an
audience of persons interested in agricultural extension work through
the help of interested farm organizations, civic organizations or any
other group: Provided, that in using or seeking such opportunities,
the county extension council or agents employed by it shall make
available to all groups and organizations in the county equal
opportunity to cooperate in the educational extension program.
6. Members of the council shall serve without compensation, but
may receive actual and necessary expenses, including in-state travel
expenses at not more than the state rate, incurred in the performance
of official duties other than attendance at regular local county
extension council meetings. Payment shall be made from funds
available pursuant to section 176A.8, subsection 12. Section History: Early Form
[SS15, § 1683-e; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 2929, 2931; C46, 50,
54, § 176.7, 176.9; C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 176A.9] Section History: Recent Form
86 Acts, ch 1245, § 839; 98 Acts, ch 1166, §1, 2