For the purpose of this subtitle, except chapters 192, 203, 203C,
203D, 207, and 208, the following definitions and standards of food
are established:
1. Butter. Butter is the clean, nonrancid product made by
gathering in any manner the fat of fresh or ripened milk or cream
into a mass, with or without the addition of salt, or harmless
coloring matter, and containing at least eighty percent, by weight,
of milk fat.
2. Flavoring extract. A flavoring extract is a solution in
ethyl alcohol or other suitable medium of the sapid and odorous
principles derived from an aromatic plant, or parts of the plant,
with or without its coloring matter, and conforms in name to the
plant used in its preparation.
a. Almond extract. Almond extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of bitter almonds, free from hydrocyanic acid, and
contains not less than one percent by volume of oil of bitter
b. Anise extract. Anise extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of anise, and contains not less than three percent
by volume of oil of anise.
c. Cassia extract. Cassia extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of cassia, and contains not less than two percent
by volume of oil of cassia.
d. Celery seed extract. Celery seed extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from celery seed or the oil of celery seed, or both,
and contains not less than three-tenths percent by volume of oil of
celery seed.
e. Cinnamon extract. Cinnamon extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of cinnamon, and contains not less than two
percent by volume of oil of cinnamon.
f. Clove extract. Clove extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of cloves, and contains not less than two percent
by volume of oil of cloves.
g. Ginger extract. Ginger extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from ginger, and contains in each one hundred cubic
centimeters the alcohol-soluble matters from not less than twenty
grams of ginger.
h. Lemon extract. Lemon extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of lemon, or from lemon peel, or both, and contains
not less than five percent by volume of oil of lemon.
i. Terpeneless extract of lemon. Terpeneless extract of
lemon is the flavoring extract prepared by shaking oil of lemon with
dilute alcohol, or other suitable medium, or by dissolving
terpeneless oil of lemon in such medium, and contains not less than
two-tenths percent by weight of citral derived from oil of lemon.
j. Nutmeg extract. Nutmeg extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of nutmeg, and contains not less than two percent
by volume of oil of nutmeg.
k. Orange extract. Orange extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of orange, or from orange peel, or both, and
contains not less than five percent by volume of oil of orange.
l. Terpeneless extract of orange. Terpeneless extract of
orange is the flavoring extract prepared by shaking oil of orange
with dilute alcohol, or other suitable medium, or by dissolving
terpeneless oil of orange in such medium, and corresponds in
flavoring strength to orange extract.
m. Peppermint extract. Peppermint extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of peppermint, or from peppermint, or both,
and contains not less than three percent by volume of oil of
n. Rose extract. Rose extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from attar of roses, with or without red rose petals, and
contains not less than four-tenths percent by volume of attar of
o. Savory extract. Savory extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of savory, or from savory, or both, and contains
not less than thirty-five hundredths percent by volume of oil of
p. Spearmint extract. Spearmint extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of spearmint, or from spearmint, or both,
and contains not less than three percent by volume of oil of
q. Star anise extract. Star anise extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of star anise, and contains not less than
three percent by volume of oil of star anise.
r. Sweet basil extract. Sweet basil extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of sweet basil, or from sweet basil, or
both, and contains not less than one-tenth percent by volume of oil
of sweet basil.
s. Sweet marjoram extract. Sweet marjoram extract is the
flavoring extract prepared from the oil of marjoram, or from
marjoram, or both, and contains not less than one percent by volume
of oil of marjoram.
t. Thyme extract. Thyme extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from oil of thyme, or from thyme, or both, and contains not
less than two-tenths percent by volume of oil of thyme.
u. Tonka extract. Tonka extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from tonka bean, with or without sugar or glycerin, and
contains not less than one-tenth percent by weight of coumarin
extracted from the tonka bean, together with a corresponding
proportion of the other soluble matters thereof.
v. Vanilla extract. Vanilla extract is the flavoring extract
prepared from vanilla bean, with or without sugar or glycerin, and
contains in one hundred cubic centimeters the soluble matters from
not less than ten grams of the vanilla bean, and contains not less
than thirty percent by volume of absolute ethyl alcohol, or other
suitable medium.
w. Wintergreen extract. Wintergreen extract is the flavoring
extract prepared from oil of wintergreen, and contains not less than
three percent by volume of oil of wintergreen.
3. Food. Food shall include any article used by humans or
domestic animals for food, drink, confectionery, or condiment, or
which enters into the composition of the same, whether simple,
blended, mixed, or compound. The term "blended" shall be
construed to mean a mixture of like substances.
4. Honey. Honey is the secretion of floral nectar collected
by the honeybee and stored in wax combs constructed by the honeybee,
or the liquid derived therefrom.
5. Lard. Lard is the fat rendered from fresh, clean, sound,
fatty tissues from hogs in good health at the time of slaughter, with
or without lard stearin or a hardened lard. The tissues do not
include bones, detached skin, head fat, ears, tails, organs,
windpipes, large blood vessels, scrap fat, skimmings, settlings,
pressings and the like and are reasonably free from muscle tissue and
6. Oleomargarine. Oleo, oleomargarine or margarine includes
all substances, mixtures and compounds known as oleo, oleomargarine
or margarine, or all substances, mixtures and compounds which have a
consistence similar to that of butter and which contain any edible
oils or fats other than milk fat if made in imitation or semblance of
7. Oysters. Oysters shall not contain ice, nor more than
sixteen and two-thirds percent by weight of free liquid.
8. Rendered pork fat. Rendered pork fat is the fat other
than lard, rendered from clean, sound carcasses, parts of carcasses,
or edible organs from hogs in good health at the time of slaughter,
except that stomachs, tails, bones from the head and bones from cured
or cooked pork are not included. The tissues rendered are usually
fresh, but may be cured, cooked, or otherwise prepared and may
contain some meat food products. Rendered pork fat may be hardened
by the use of lard stearin or hardened lard or rendered pork fat
stearin or hardened rendered pork fat or any combination.
9. Renovated butter. Renovated butter is butter produced by
taking original packing stock butter, or other butter, or both, and
melting the same so that the milk fat can be extracted, then by
mixing the said milk fat with skimmed milk, milk, cream, or some milk
product, and rechurning or reworking the said mixture; or butter made
by any method which produces a product commonly known as boiled,
processed, or renovated butter.
10. Sorghum syrup. Sorghum syrup is liquid food derived by
the concentration and heat treatment of the juice of sorghum cane
including sorgo and sorghum vulgare. Sorghum syrup must contain not
less than seventy-four percent by weight of soluble solids derived
solely from juices of sorghum cane.
11. Substitute for sugar. Where sugar is given as one of the
ingredients in a food product when the definition is established by
law or by regulation, the following products may be used as optional
ingredients: Dextrose (corn sugar) or corn syrup.
12. Vinegar. Vinegar is the product made by the alcoholic
and subsequent fermentation of fruits, grain, vegetables, sugar, or
syrups without the addition of any other substance and containing an
acidity of not less than four percent by weight of absolute acetic
acid. The product may be distilled, but when not distilled it shall
not carry in solution any other substance except the extractive
matter derived from the substances from which it was made.
a. Cider or apple vinegar. Cider or apple vinegar is a
similar product made by the same process solely from the juice of
apples. Such vinegar which during the course of manufacture has
developed in excess of four percent acetic acid may be reduced to
said strength.
b. Corn sugar vinegar. Corn sugar vinegar is a similar
product made by the same process solely from solutions of starch
c. Malt vinegar. Malt vinegar is a similar product made by
the same process solely from barley malt or cereals whose starch has
been converted by malt.
d. Sugar vinegar. Sugar vinegar is a similar product made by
the same process solely from sucrose. Section History: Early Form
[C73, § 4042; C97, § 2516, 2518, 4989--4991; S13, § 2515-b, -d;
SS15, § 4999-a31, -a31c; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 3058; C46, 50,
54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 190.1; 81 Acts, ch 72, § 1]
Section History: Recent Form
88 Acts, ch 1195, §1; 89 Acts, ch 151, §2; 91 Acts, ch 74, §2, 3;
94 Acts, ch 1023, §41; 2003 Acts, ch 69, §45
Referred to in § 189.14, 191.6
Further definitions, see § 189.1
"Person" also defined, § 191.4