1. A child welfare advisory committee is established to advise
the administrator and the department of human services on
programmatic and budgetary matters related to the provision or
purchase of child welfare services. The committee shall meet at
least quarterly, or upon the call of the chairperson, to review
departmental budgets, policies, and programs, and proposed budgets,
policies, and programs, and to make recommendations and suggestions
to make the state child welfare budget, programs, and policies more
effective in serving families and children.
2. The advisory committee shall consist of fifteen voting
members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate. The
membership shall include representatives of child welfare service
providers, juvenile court services, the Iowa foster and adoptive
parent association, the child advocacy board, the coalition for
family and children's services in Iowa, children's advocates, service
consumers, and others who have training or knowledge related to child
welfare services. The terms of voting members shall be for
three-year staggered terms, beginning and ending as provided in
section 69.19. A member shall continue to serve until a successor is
appointed and a vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the
unexpired term. In addition, four members shall be legislators, all
serving as ex officio, nonvoting members, with one each appointed by
the speaker of the house of representatives, the minority leader of
the house of representatives, the majority leader of the senate, and
the minority leader of the senate. The director of human services
and the administrator, or their designees, shall also be ex officio
nonvoting members, and shall serve as resource persons to the
3. A chairperson, vice chairperson, and other officers deemed
necessary by the committee shall be appointed by the membership of
the committee. Committee staffing shall be designated by the
administrator. Section History: Recent Form
2007 Acts, ch 218, §116