1. The department on aging shall use funds appropriated from the
senior living trust fund for activities related to the design,
maintenance, or expansion of home and community-based services for
seniors, including but not limited to adult day services, personal
care, respite, homemaker, chore, and transportation services designed
to promote the independence of and to delay the use of institutional
care by seniors with low and moderate incomes. At any time that
moneys are appropriated, the department on aging shall disburse the
funds to the area agencies on aging.
2. The department on aging shall adopt rules, in consultation
with the area agencies on aging, pursuant to chapter 17A, to provide
all of the following:
a. (1) The criteria and process for disbursement of funds,
appropriated in accordance with subsection 1, to area agencies on
(2) The criteria shall include, at a minimum, all of the
(a) A distribution formula that triple weights all of the
(i) Individuals seventy-five years of age and older.
(ii) Individuals aged sixty and older who are members of a racial
(iii) Individuals sixty years of age and older who reside in
rural areas as defined in the federal Older Americans Act.
(iv) Individuals who are sixty years of age and older who have
incomes at or below the poverty level as defined in the federal Older
Americans Act.
(b) A distribution formula that single weights individuals sixty
years of age and older who do not meet the criteria specified in
subparagraph division (a).
b. The criteria for long-term care providers to receive
funding as subcontractors of the area agencies on aging.
c. Other procedures the department on aging deems necessary
for the proper administration of this section.
3. This section does not create an entitlement to any funds
available for disbursement under this section and the department on
aging may only disburse moneys to the extent funds are available and,
within its discretion, to the extent requests for funding are
4. Long-term care providers that receive funding under this
section shall submit annual reports to the appropriate area agency on
aging. The department on aging shall develop the report to be
submitted, which shall include but is not limited to units of service
provided, the number of service recipients, costs, and the number of
units of service identified as necessitated but not provided.
5. The department on aging, in cooperation with the department of
human services, shall provide annual reports to the governor and the
general assembly concerning the impact of moneys disbursed under this
section on the availability of long-term care services in Iowa. The
reports shall include the types of services funded, the outcome of
those services, and the number of individuals receiving those
services. Section History: Recent Form
2000 Acts, ch 1004, §7, 22; 2001 Acts, ch 64, §10; 2009 Acts, ch
23, §59; 2009 Acts, ch 41, §263; 2009 Acts, ch 182, §95--97