303.88 ADMINISTRATOR'S POWERS AND AUTHORITY. The arts division administrator may: 1. Make and sign any agreements and perform any acts which are necessary, desirable, or proper to carry out the purpose of the division. 2. Request and obtain assistance and data from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, or agency of the state. 3. Accept any federal funds granted, by Act of Congress or by executive order, for all or any purposes of this subchapter, and receive and disburse as the official agent of the state any funds made available by the national endowment for the arts. 4. Accept gifts, contributions, endowments, bequests, or other moneys available for all or any of the purposes of the division. Interest earned on the gifts, contributions, endowments, bequests, or other moneys accepted under this subsection shall be credited to the fund or funds to which the gifts, contributions, endowments, bequests, or other moneys have been deposited, and is available for all or any of the purposes of the division. Section History: Recent Form 86 Acts, ch 1245, § 1327; 88 Acts, ch 1158, §60