321.115 ANTIQUE VEHICLES -- MODEL YEAR PLATES PERMITTED. 1. a. A motor vehicle twenty-five years old or older may be registered as an antique vehicle. The annual registration fee is the fee provided in section 321.113, 321.122, or 321.124. b. The owner of a motor truck, truck tractor, road tractor, or motor home that is twenty-five years old or older who desires to use the vehicle exclusively for exhibition or educational purposes at state or county fairs, or at other places where the vehicle may be exhibited for entertainment or educational purposes, may register the vehicle as a "limited use" vehicle in accordance with sections 321.58 through 321.62. The "limited use" registration under this paragraph permits driving of the vehicle upon the public roads to and from state and county fairs or other places of entertainment or education for exhibition or educational purposes and to and from service stations for the purpose of receiving necessary maintenance, or for the purposes of transporting, testing, demonstrating, or selling the vehicle. c. The owner of a motor vehicle registered under this subsection may display authentic Iowa registration plates from the model year of the motor vehicle, furnished by the person and approved by the department, in lieu of the current and valid Iowa registration plates issued for the vehicle, provided that the current and valid Iowa registration plates and the registration card issued for the vehicle are simultaneously carried within the vehicle and are available for inspection to any peace officer upon the officer's request. 2. The sale of a motor vehicle twenty years old or older which is primarily of value as a collector's item and not as transportation is not subject to chapter 322, and any person may sell such a vehicle at retail without a license as required under chapter 322. 3. Truck tractors and semitrailers used in combination for exhibition and educational purposes may be registered and driven according to the provisions of subsection 1. Truck tractors and semitrailers registered under this section shall not be used to haul loads. 4. A person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a simple misdemeanor punishable as a scheduled violation under section 805.8A, subsection 2, paragraph "b". Sectionstory: Early Form [C35, § 4911-f1; C39, § 5008.11; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 321.115] Section History: Recent Form 85 Acts, ch 101, § 1; 88 Acts, ch 1204, § 1; 92 Acts, ch 1175, § 31; 97 Acts, ch 104, §13; 2000 Acts, ch 1203, §6; 2001 Acts, ch 137, §5; 2006 Acts, ch 1068, §17; 2007 Acts, ch 143, §12, 35; 2008 Acts, ch 1113, §120, 131; 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §35, 37; 2008 Acts, ch 1191, §136 Referred to in § 321.24, 321.52, 321.438, 331.557, 805.8A(2b)