321.124 MOTOR HOMES AND MULTIPURPOSE VEHICLES -- FEES. 1. Motor homes are classified as follows: a. Class A motor home means a truck chassis or special chassis upon which is built a driver's compartment and an entire body which provides temporary living quarters. A class A motor home shall also mean a passenger carrying bus which has been registered at least five times as a motor truck and which has been converted, modified, or altered to provide temporary living quarters. b. Class B motor home means a completed van-type vehicle which has been converted, modified, constructed, or altered to provide temporary living quarters. c. Class C motor home means an incomplete vehicle upon which is permanently attached a body designed to provide temporary living quarters. 2. Class A motor homes and class C motor homes are exempt from the provisions of section 322.5, subsection 2, except that a motor vehicle dealer showing class A motor homes and class C motor homes shall apply for a temporary permit upon forms and for such time as provided in section 322.5, subsection 2, and the department may issue the temporary permit upon payment of the fee provided therein. 3. The annual registration fee for motor homes and 1992 and older model years for multipurpose vehicles is as follows: a. For class A motor homes with a list price of eighty thousand dollars or more as certified to the department by the manufacturer, four hundred dollars for registration each year through five model years and three hundred dollars for each succeeding registration. b. For class A motor homes with a list price of forty thousand dollars or more but less than eighty thousand dollars as certified to the department by the manufacturer, two hundred dollars for registration each year through five model years and one hundred fifty dollars for each succeeding registration. c. For class A motor homes with a list price of twenty thousand dollars or more but less than forty thousand dollars as certified to the department by the manufacturer, one hundred forty dollars for the first five registrations and one hundred five dollars for each succeeding registration. d. For class A motor homes with a list price of less than twenty thousand dollars as certified to the department by the manufacturer, one hundred twenty dollars for registration each year through five model years and eighty-five dollars for each succeeding registration. e. For a class A motor home which is a passenger- carrying bus which has been registered at least five times as a motor truck and which has been converted, modified, or altered to provide temporary living quarters, ninety dollars for registration each year through ten model years and sixty- five dollars for each succeeding registration. In computing the number of registrations, the registrations shall be cumulative beginning with the registration of the class A motor home as a motor truck prior to its conversion, modification, or alteration to provide temporary living quarters. f. For class B motor homes, ninety dollars for registration each year through five model years and sixty-five dollars for each succeeding registration. g. For class C motor homes, one hundred ten dollars for registration each year through five model years and eighty dollars for each succeeding registration. h. For multipurpose vehicles in accordance with the following: (1) Two hundred dollars for registration for the first and second model years. (2) One hundred seventy-five dollars for registration for the third and fourth model years. (3) One hundred fifty dollars for registration for the fifth model year. (4) Seventy-five dollars for registration for the sixth model year. (5) Fifty-five dollars for registration for each succeeding model year. (6) The annual registration fee for a multipurpose vehicle with permanently installed equipment manufactured for and necessary to assist a person with a disability who is either the owner or a member of the owner's household in entry and exit of the vehicle or for a multipurpose vehicle if the vehicle's owner or a member of the vehicle owner's household uses a wheelchair as the only means of mobility shall be sixty dollars. For purposes of this subparagraph, "uses a wheelchair" does not include use of a wheelchair due to a temporary injury or medical condition. The registration fees required by this lettered paragraph are applicable to all 1992 and older model years for multipurpose vehicles beginning January 1, 1993. The registration fees for multipurpose vehicles that are 1993 and subsequent model years shall be in accordance with section 321.109. For purposes of determining that portion of the annual registration fee which is based upon the value of the multipurpose vehicle, sixty percent of the annual fee is attributable to the value of the vehicle. Section History: Early Form [C81, § 321.124] Section History: Recent Form 82 Acts, ch 1062, § 21, 38; 83 Acts, ch 75, § 1, 2; 92 Acts, ch 1019, § 2, 8; 92 Acts, ch 1222, § 2; 92 Acts, ch 1232, § 402, 412; 93 Acts, ch 165, § 2; 96 Acts, ch 1129, § 113 Referred to in § 321.1, 321.109, 321.115, 321.115A, 322.2, 322E.1, 331.557