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321.34 PLATES OR VALIDATION STICKER FURNISHED -- RETAINED BY OWNER -- SPECIAL PLATES. 1. Plates issued. The county treasurer upon receiving application, accompanied by proper fee, for registration of a vehicle shall issue to the owner one registration plate for a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, truck tractor, trailer, or semitrailer and two registration plates for every other motor vehicle. The registration plates, including special registration plates, shall be assigned to the owner of a vehicle. When the owner of a registered vehicle transfers or assigns ownership of the vehicle to another person, the owner shall remove the registration plates from the vehicle. The owner shall forward the plates to the county treasurer where the vehicle is registered or the owner may have the plates assigned to another vehicle within thirty days after transfer, upon payment of the fees required by law. The owner shall immediately affix registration plates retained by the owner to another vehicle owned or acquired by the owner, providing the owner complies with section 321.46. The department shall adopt rules providing for the assignment of registration plates to the transferee of a vehicle for which a credit is allowed under section 321.46, subsection 6. 2. Validation stickers. In lieu of issuing new registration plates each registration year for a vehicle renewing registration, the department may reassign the registration plates previously issued to the vehicle and may adopt and prescribe an annual validation sticker indicating payment of annual registration fees. The department shall issue one validation sticker for each set of registration plates. The sticker shall specify the month and year of expiration of the registration plates. The sticker shall be displayed only on the rear registration plate, except that the sticker shall be displayed on the front registration plate of a truck tractor. The state department of transportation shall adopt rules to provide for the placement of the motor vehicle registration validation sticker. 3. Radio operators plates. The owner of an automobile, motorcycle, trailer, or motor truck who holds an amateur radio license issued by the federal communications commission may, upon written application to the county treasurer accompanied by a fee of five dollars, order special registration plates bearing the call letters authorized the radio station covered by the person's amateur radio license. When received by the county treasurer, such special registration plates shall be issued to the applicant in exchange for the registration plates previously issued to the person. Not more than one set of special registration plates may be issued to an applicant. Said fee shall be in addition to and not in lieu of the fee for regular registration plates. Special registration plates must be surrendered upon expiration of the owner's amateur radio license and the owner shall thereupon be entitled to the owner's regular registration plates. The county treasurer shall validate special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates, upon payment of five dollars in addition to the regular annual registration fee. 4. Multiyear plates. In lieu of issuing annual registration plates for trailers, semitrailers, motor trucks, and truck tractors, the department may issue a multiyear registration plate for a three-year period or a permanent registration plate for trailers and semitrailers licensed under chapter 326, and a permanent registration plate for motor trucks and truck tractors licensed under chapter 326, upon payment of the appropriate registration fee. Payment of fees for trailers and semitrailers for a permanent registration plate shall, at the option of the registrant, be made at five-year intervals or on an annual basis. Fees from three-year and five-year payments shall not be reduced or prorated. Payment of fees for motor trucks and truck tractors shall be made on an annual basis. 5. Personalized registration plates. a. Upon application and the payment of a fee of twenty-five dollars, the director may issue to the owner of a motor vehicle registered in this state or a trailer or travel trailer registered in this state, personalized registration plates marked with up to seven initials, letters, or combination of numerals and letters requested by the owner. However, personalized registration plates for motorcycles and motorized bicycles shall be marked with no more than six initials, letters, or combinations of numerals and letters. Upon receipt of the personalized registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the regular registration plates to the county treasurer. The fee for issuance of the personalized registration plates shall be in addition to the regular annual registration fee. b. The county treasurer shall validate personalized registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section at an annual fee of five dollars in addition to the regular annual registration fee. A person renewing a personalized registration plate within one month following the time requirements under section 321.40 may renew the personalized plate without paying the additional registration fee under paragraph "a" but shall pay the five-dollar fee in addition to the regular annual registration fee and any penalties subject to regular registration plate holders for late renewal. c. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid to the treasurer of state and credited by the treasurer of state as provided in section 321.145. 6. Sample vehicle registration plates. Vehicle registration plates displaying the general design of regular registration plates, with the word "sample" displayed on the plate, may be furnished to any person upon payment of a fee of three dollars, except that such plates may be furnished to governmental agencies without cost. Sample registration plates shall not be attached to a vehicle moved on the highways of this state. 7. Collegiate plates. a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, trailer over two thousand pounds, or travel trailer registered in this state, collegiate registration plates created pursuant to this subsection. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the regular registration plates to the county treasurer. b. Collegiate registration plates shall be designed for each of the three state universities. The collegiate registration plates shall be designated as follows: (1) The letters "ISU" followed by a four-digit number all in cardinal on a gold background for Iowa state university of science and technology. (2) The letters "UNI" followed by a four-digit number all in purple on a gold background for the university of northern Iowa. (3) The letters "UI" followed by a four-digit number all in black on a gold background for the state university of Iowa. (4) In lieu of the letter-number designation provided under subparagraphs (1) through (3), the collegiate registration plates may be designated in the manner provided for personalized registration plates under subsection 5, paragraph "a", in the colors designated for the respective universities under subparagraphs (1) through (3). c. (1) The fees for a collegiate registration plate are as follows: (a) A registration fee of twenty-five dollars. (b) A special collegiate registration fee of twenty-five dollars. (2) These fees are in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall credit monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to Iowa state university of science and technology, the university of northern Iowa, and the state university of Iowa respectively, the amount of the special collegiate registration fees collected in the previous month for collegiate registration plates designed for the university. The moneys credited are appropriated to the respective universities to be used for scholarships for students attending the universities. d. The county treasurer shall validate collegiate registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section at an annual fee of five dollars in addition to the regular annual registration fee. e. A collegiate registration plate shall not be issued if its combination of alphanumeric characters are identical to those contained on a current personalized registration plate issued under subsection 5. However, the owner of a motor vehicle who has a personalized registration plate issued for the motor vehicle may, after proper application and payment of fees, be issued a collegiate registration plate containing the same alphanumeric characters as those on the personalized plate. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates, the owner shall surrender the personalized registration plates to the county treasurer. 7A. Collegiate plates -- Private four-year colleges and universities. a. Upon application by a private four-year college or university located in this state and payment of the initial set-up costs for establishing the collegiate plate, the department, in consultation with the college or university, may design a special collegiate registration plate displaying the colors associated with the college or university. b. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, trailer over two thousand pounds, or travel trailer registered in this state, collegiate registration plates created pursuant to this subsection. The fee for the issuance of collegiate registration plates is twenty-five dollars, which fee is in addition to the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. An applicant may obtain a personalized collegiate registration plate upon payment of the additional fee for a personalized plate as provided in subsection 5 in addition to the collegiate plate fee and the regular registration fee. The county treasurer shall validate collegiate registration plates issued under this subsection in the same manner as regular registration plates, upon payment of five dollars in addition to the regular annual registration fee. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the regular registration plates to the county treasurer. c. A personalized collegiate registration plate shall not be issued if its combination of alphanumeric characters are identical to those contained on a current personalized registration plate issued under subsection 5. However, the owner of a motor vehicle who has a personalized registration plate issued for the motor vehicle may, after proper application and payment of fees, be issued a collegiate registration plate containing the same alphanumeric characters as those on the personalized plate. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates, the owner shall surrender the personalized registration plates to the county treasurer. 8. Medal of honor plates. The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motorcycle, trailer, or motor truck who has been awarded the medal of honor may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates which shall be red, white, and blue in color and shall bear an emblem of the medal of honor and an identifying number. Each applicant applying for special registration plates under this subsection may order only one set of registration plates under this subsection. The application is subject to approval by the department and the special registration plates shall be issued at no charge to the applicant in exchange for the registration plates previously issued to the person. A person who is issued special plates under this subsection is exempt from payment of any annual registration fee for the motor vehicle bearing the special plates. The department shall validate the special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The department shall not issue special registration plates until service organizations in the state have furnished the department either the special dies or the cost of the special dies necessary for the manufacture of the special registration plate. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 8A. Ex-prisoner of war special plates. The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motorcycle, trailer, or motor truck who was a prisoner of war during a time of military conflict may, upon written application to the department, order only one set of special registration plates with an ex-prisoner of war processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the adjutant general and shall signify that the owner was a prisoner of war as described in this subsection. The application is subject to approval by the department, in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plates shall be issued at no charge and are subject to an annual registration fee of fifteen dollars. The county treasurer shall validate the special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual registration fee. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 9. Leased vehicles. Registration plates under this section, including disabled veteran plates specified in section 321.105, may be issued to the lessee of a motor vehicle if the lessee provides evidence of a lease for a period of more than sixty days and if the lessee complies with the requirements, under this section, for issuance of the specific registration plates. 10. Fire fighter plates. a. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire department may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates, designed by the department in cooperation with representatives designated by the Iowa fire fighters' associations, which signify that the applicant is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire department. b. The application shall be approved by the department in consultation with representatives designated by the Iowa fire fighters' associations, and the special registration plates shall be issued to the applicant in exchange for the registration plates previously issued to the person. The fee for the special plates is twenty-five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The department shall validate the special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section at the regular annual registration fee. c. The special fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Paul Ryan memorial fire fighter safety training fund created pursuant to section 100B.12 the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for the fire fighter plates. d. For purposes of this subsection, a person is considered to be retired if the person is recognized by the chief of the fire department where the individual served, and on record, as officially retired from the fire department. Special registration plates with a fire fighter emblem shall be surrendered, as provided in subsection 12, in exchange for regular registration plates upon termination of the motor vehicle owner's membership in the paid or volunteer fire department, unless the person is a retired member in good standing. 10A. Emergency medical services plates. a. The owner of a motor vehicle referred to in subsection 12 who is a current member of a paid or volunteer emergency medical services agency may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates, designed by the department in cooperation with representatives designated by the Iowa emergency medical services association, which plates signify that the applicant is a current member of a paid or volunteer emergency medical services agency. The application shall be approved by the department, in consultation with representatives designated by the Iowa emergency medical services association, and the special registration plates shall be issued to the applicant in exchange for the registration plates previously issued to the person. The fee for the special plates is twenty-five dollars which is in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The department shall validate the special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section at the regular annual registration fee. b. The special fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the emergency medical services fund created in section 135.25 the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for issuance of emergency medical services plates. 11. Natural resources plates. a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue natural resources plates to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer. b. Natural resources plates shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the department of natural resources which design shall include on the plate the name of the county where the vehicle is registered. c. (1) The special natural resources fee for letter-number designated natural resources plates is forty-five dollars. The fee for personalized natural resources plates is forty-five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the special natural resources fee of forty-five dollars. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall credit monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa resources enhancement and protection fund created pursuant to section 455A.18, the amount of the special natural resources fees collected in the previous month for the natural resources plates. (2) From the moneys credited to the Iowa resources enhancement and protection fund under subparagraph (1), ten dollars of the fee collected for each natural resources plate issued, and fifteen dollars from each renewal fee, shall be allocated to the department of natural resources wildlife bureau to be used for nongame wildlife programs. d. Upon receipt of the special registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall validate the special registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The annual special natural resources fee for letter-number designated plates is twenty-five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The annual fee for personalized natural resources plates is five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the annual special natural resources fee and the regular annual registration fee. The annual special natural resources fee shall be credited as provided under paragraph "c". 11A. Love our kids plates. a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue "love our kids" plates to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer. b. Love our kids plates shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the Iowa department of public health. c. The special fee for letter-number designated love our kids plates is thirty-five dollars. The fee for personalized love our kids plates is twenty-five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the special love our kids fee of thirty-five dollars. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa department of public health the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for the love our kids plates. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys transferred under this subsection shall not revert to the general fund of the state. d. Upon receipt of the special registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall validate the special registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The annual special love our kids fee for letter-number designated plates is ten dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The annual fee for personalized love our kids plates is five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the annual special love our kids fee and the regular annual registration fee. The annual love our kids fee shall be credited as provided under paragraph "c". 11B. Motorcycle rider education plates. a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue "motorcycle rider education" plates to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer. b. Motorcycle rider education plates shall be designed by the department. c. The special fee for letter-number designated motorcycle rider education plates is thirty-five dollars. The fee for personalized motorcycle rider education plates is twenty-five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the special motorcycle rider education fee of thirty-five dollars. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the department for use in accordance with section 321.180B, subsection 6, the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for the motorcycle rider education plates. d. Upon receipt of the special registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall validate the special registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The annual special motorcycle rider education fee for letter-number designated plates is ten dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The annual fee for personalized motorcycle rider education plates is five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the annual special motorcycle rider education fee and the regular annual registration fee. The annual motorcycle rider education fee shall be credited as provided under paragraph "c". 12. Special registration plates -- general provisions. a. The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration pursuant to section 321.109, subsection 1, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates with a distinguishing processed emblem as authorized by this section or as approved by the department. The fee for the issuance of special registration plates is twenty-five dollars for each vehicle, unless otherwise provided by this section, which fee is in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The county treasurer shall validate special registration plates with a distinguishing processed emblem in the same manner as regular registration plates, upon payment of five dollars in addition to the regular annual registration fee. b. Upon receipt of a special registration plate with a distinguishing processed emblem as authorized by this section or as approved by the department, the applicant shall surrender the regular registration plates to the county treasurer. An applicant no longer eligible for a special registration plate shall surrender the special vehicle registration plates to the county treasurer for issuance of regular registration plates. c. An applicant may, upon payment of the additional fee for a personalized plate as provided in subsection 5, obtain a personalized special registration plate with a processed emblem. Personalized plates authorized by this section with the processed emblem shall be limited to no more than five initials, letters, or combinations of numerals and letters. d. A special registration plate issued for a motorcycle or motorized bicycle under this section shall be designated in the manner provided for personalized registration plates under subsection 5, paragraph "a". 12A. Special registration plates -- armed forces services. a. An owner of a vehicle referred to in subsection 12 who applies for any type of special registration plates associated with service in the United States armed forces shall be issued one set of the special registration plates at no charge, but shall be subject to the annual registration fee of fifteen dollars, if the owner is eligible for, but has relinquished to the department or the county treasurer or has not been issued, ex-prisoner of war or legion of merit special registration plates under this section. b. An owner of a vehicle referred to in subsection 12 who applies for any type of special registration plates associated with service in the United States armed forces shall be issued one set of the special registration plates at no charge and subject to no annual registration fee if the owner is eligible for, but has relinquished to the department or the county treasurer or has not been issued, medal of honor registration plates under subsection 8 or disabled veteran registration plates under section 321.105. c. The owner shall provide the appropriate information regarding the owner's eligibility for any of the special registration plates described in paragraph "a" or "b", and regarding the owner's eligibility for the special registration plates for which the owner has applied, as required by the department. d. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the same annual registration fee, if applicable. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 13. New special registration plates -- department review. a. Any person may submit a request to the department to recommend a new special registration plate with a processed emblem. The request shall provide a proposed design for the processed emblem, the purpose of the special registration plate with the processed emblem, any eligibility requirements for purchase or receipt of the special registration plate with the processed emblem, and evidence there is sufficient interest in the special registration plate with the processed emblem to pay implementation costs. The department shall consider the request and make a recommendation based upon criteria established by the department which shall include consideration of the information included in the request, the number of special registration plates with processed emblems currently authorized, and any other relevant factors. b. If a request for a proposed special registration plate with a processed emblem meets the criteria established by the department, the department shall, in consultation with the persons seeking the special registration plate with the processed emblem, approve a recommended design for the processed emblem, and propose eligibility requirements for the special registration plate with the processed emblem. c. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A regarding the approval and issuance of special registration plates. d. A state agency may submit a request to the department recommending a special registration plate. The alternate fee for letter-number designated plates is thirty-five dollars with a ten dollar annual special renewal fee. The fee for personalized plates is twenty-five dollars which is in addition to the alternative fee of thirty-five dollars with an annual personalized plate renewal fee of five dollars which is in addition to the special renewal fee of ten dollars. The alternate fees are in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The alternate fees collected under this paragraph shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall credit monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, the amount of the alternate fees collected in the previous month to the state agency that recommended the special registration plate. 14. Persons with disabilities special plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 or an owner of a trailer used to transport a wheelchair who is a person with a disability, or who is the parent or guardian of a child who resides with the parent or guardian owner and who is a person with a disability, as defined in section 321L.1, may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem designed by the department bearing the international symbol of accessibility. The special registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem shall only be issued if the application is accompanied with a statement from a physician licensed under chapter 148 or 149, a physician assistant licensed under chapter 148C, an advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed under chapter 152, or a chiropractor licensed under chapter 151, written on the physician's, physician assistant's, nurse practitioner's, or chiropractor's stationery, stating the nature of the applicant's or the applicant's child's disability and such additional information as required by rules adopted by the department, including proof of residency of a child who is a person with a disability. If the application is approved by the department, the special registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem shall be issued to the applicant. There shall be no fee in addition to the regular annual registration fee for the special registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem. The authorization for special registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem shall not be renewed without the applicant furnishing evidence to the department that the owner of the vehicle or the owner's child is still a person with a disability as defined in section 321L.1. An owner who has a child who is a person with a disability shall provide satisfactory evidence to the department that the child with a disability continues to reside with the owner. The registration plates with a persons with disabilities processed emblem shall be surrendered in exchange for regular registration plates as provided in subsection 12 when the owner of the vehicle or the owner's child no longer qualifies as a person with a disability as defined in section 321L.1 or when the owner's child who is a person with a disability no longer resides with the owner. 15. Legion of merit special plates. The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motorcycle, trailer, or motor truck who has been awarded the legion of merit shall be issued one set of special registration plates with a legion of merit processed emblem, upon written application to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award of the legion of merit as established by the Congress of the United States. The emblem shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the adjutant general and shall signify that the owner was awarded the legion of merit. The application is subject to approval by the department, in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plates shall be issued at no charge and are subject to an annual registration fee of fifteen dollars. The county treasurer shall validate the special plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual registration fee. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 16. National guard special plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a member of the national guard, as defined in chapter 29A, may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates with a national guard processed emblem with the emblem designed by the department in cooperation with the adjutant general which emblem signifies that the applicant is a member of the national guard. The application shall be approved by the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized national guard plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for national guard plates. Special registration plates with a national guard processed emblem shall be surrendered, as provided in subsection 12, in exchange for regular registration plates upon termination of the owner's membership in the active national guard. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 17. Pearl Harbor special plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as a member of the armed services of the United States on December 7, 1941, may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates with a Pearl Harbor processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in consultation with service organizations. The application is subject to approval by the department. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized Pearl Harbor plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for Pearl Harbor plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 18. Purple heart special plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a purple heart medal by the United States government for wounds received in military or naval combat against an armed enemy of the United States may, upon written application to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award of the purple heart medal, order special registration plates with a purple heart processed emblem. The design of the emblem shall include a representation of a purple heart medal and ribbon. The application is subject to approval by the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized purple heart plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for purple heart plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 19. United States armed forces retired special plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a retired member of the United States armed forces may, upon written application to the department and upon presentation of satisfactory proof of membership, order special registration plates with a United States armed forces retired processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in consultation with service organizations. The application is subject to approval by the department. For purposes of this subsection, a person is considered to be retired if the person is recognized by the United States armed forces as retired from the United States armed forces. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized armed forces retired plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for armed forces retired plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 20. Silver or bronze star plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a silver or a bronze star by the United States government, may, upon written application to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award of the silver or bronze star, order special registration plates with a silver or bronze star processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized silver star and bronze star plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for silver star and bronze star plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 20A. Distinguished service, navy, or air force cross plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a distinguished service cross, a navy cross, or an air force cross by the United States government may, upon written application to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award, order special registration plates with a distinguished service cross, navy cross, or air force cross processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized distinguished service cross, navy cross, and air force cross plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for distinguished service cross, navy cross, and air force cross plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 20B. Soldier's, navy and marine corps, or airman's medal plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a soldier's medal, a navy and marine corps medal, or an airman's medal by the United States government may, upon written application to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award, order special registration plates with a soldier's medal, navy and marine corps medal, or airman's medal processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized soldier's medal, navy and marine corps medal, and airman's medal plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for soldier's medal, navy and marine corps medal, and airman's medal plates. The surviving spouse of a person who was issued special plates under this subsection may continue to use or apply for and use the special plates subject to registration of the special plates in the surviving spouse's name and upon payment of the annual five-dollar special plate fee and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special plates to the department and the department shall issue regular registration plates to the surviving spouse. 21. Iowa heritage special plates. a. An owner referred to in subsection 12 may, upon written application to the department, order special registration plates with an Iowa heritage emblem. The emblem shall contain a picture of the American gothic house and the words "Iowa Heritage" and shall be designed by the department in consultation with the state historical society of Iowa. b. The special Iowa heritage fee for letter-number designated plates is thirty-five dollars. The special fee for personalized Iowa heritage plates is twenty-five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the special fee of thirty-five dollars. The annual special Iowa heritage fee is ten dollars for letter-number designated registration plates and is fifteen dollars for personalized registration plates which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. c. The special fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall credit monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa heritage fund created under section 303.9A the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for the Iowa heritage plates. 22. Education plates. a. An owner referred to in subsection 12, upon written application to the department, may order special registration plates with an education emblem. The education emblem shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the department of education. b. The special school transportation fee for letter-number designated education plates is thirty-five dollars. The fee for personalized education plates is twenty-five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the special school transportation fee of thirty-five dollars. The annual special school transportation fee is ten dollars for letter-number designated registration plates and is fifteen dollars for personalized registration plates which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the school budget review committee in accordance with section 257.31, subsection 17, the amount of the special school transportation fees collected in the previous month for the education plates. 23. Breast cancer awareness plates. a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the director may issue breast cancer awareness plates to an owner of a motor vehicle referred to in subsection 12. b. Breast cancer awareness plates shall contain an image of a pink ribbon and shall be designed by the department in consultation with the Susan G. Komen foundation. c. The special fee for letter-number designated breast cancer awareness plates is thirty-five dollars. The fee for personalized breast cancer awareness plates is twenty-five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the special breast cancer awareness fee of thirty-five dollars. The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa department of public health the amount of the special fees collected in the previous month for the breast cancer awareness plates and such funds are appropriated to the Iowa department of public health. The Iowa department of public health shall distribute one hundred percent of the funds received monthly in the form of grants to support breast cancer screenings for both men and women who meet eligibility requirements like those established by the Susan G. Komen foundation. In the awarding of grants, the Iowa department of public health shall give first consideration to affiliates of the Susan G. Komen foundation and similar nonprofit organizations providing for breast cancer screenings at no cost in Iowa. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys transferred under this subsection shall not revert to the general fund of the state. d. Upon receipt of the special registration plates, the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall validate the special registration plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are validated under this section. The annual special breast cancer awareness fee for letter-number designated plates is ten dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The annual special fee for personalized breast cancer awareness plates is five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the annual special breast cancer awareness fee and the regular annual registration fee. The annual special breast cancer awareness fee shall be credited and transferred as provided under paragraph "c". 24. Gold star plates. An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is the surviving spouse, parent, child, or sibling of a deceased member of the United States armed forces who died while serving on active duty during a time of military conflict or who died as a result of such service may order special registration plates bearing a gold star emblem upon written application to the department accompanied by satisfactory supporting documentation as determined by the department. The gold star emblem shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the commission of veterans affairs. The special plate fees collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and annual validation of letter-number designated and personalized gold star plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for gold star plates.          Section History: Early Form [SS15, § 1571-m5; C24, 27, 31, 35, § 4874; C39, § 5001.18; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 321.34]          Section History: Recent Form 82 Acts, ch 1032, § 2, 4; 82 Acts, ch 1062, § 4, 38; 84 Acts, ch 1027, § 1; 84 Acts, ch 1250, § 1; 84 Acts, ch 1305, § 49; 85 Acts, ch 67, § 35; 85 Acts, ch 87, § 1; 86 Acts, ch 1182, § 1; 86 Acts, ch 1225, § 1; 87 Acts, ch 77, § 1; 88 Acts, ch 1215, § 1--4; 88 Acts, ch 1222, § 1; 89 Acts, ch 17, § 1; 89 Acts, ch 27, § 1; 89 Acts, ch 247, § 4; 89 Acts, ch 296, § 27; 89 Acts, ch 317, § 31; 90 Acts, ch 1128, § 1; 90 Acts, ch 1151, § 1; 91 Acts, ch 49, § 1, 2; 91 Acts, ch 58, § 1; 91 Acts, ch 259, § 3; 92 Acts, ch 1175, § 29; 92 Acts, 2nd Ex, ch 1001, § 204, 205; 93 Acts, ch 2, § 1; 94 Acts, ch 1104, §1; 95 Acts, ch 118, § 7--9, 40; 96 Acts, ch 1065, § 1; 96 Acts, ch 1088, § 3, 4, 8; 96 Acts, ch 1171, § 2; 96 Acts, ch 1219, § 21--24; 97 Acts, ch 2, § 1, 2; 97 Acts, ch 70, § 3, 15; 97 Acts, ch 104, § 8--10; 97 Acts, ch 108, § 5; 97 Acts, ch 123, § 1; 97 Acts, ch 212, § 33; 98 Acts, ch 1079, §1--3; 99 Acts, ch 7, §1--9; 99 Acts, ch 114, §20; 99 Acts, ch 141, §38; 99 Acts, ch 180, §15; 2000 Acts, ch 1154, §21; 2000 Acts, ch 1157, §1; 2000 Acts, ch 1206, §1; 2001 Acts, ch 24, §73, 74; 2001 Acts, ch 32, §17; 2001 Acts, ch 144, § 2, 3; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §42; 2003 Acts, ch 3, §1; 2003 Acts, ch 7, §1--9; 2003 Acts, ch 105, §2; 2003 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 2, §165--171, 205; 2004 Acts, ch 1013, §7--10, 35; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §333, 347; 2005 Acts, ch 8, §9; 2007 Acts, ch 143, §9; 2007 Acts, ch 178, §2, 3; 2007 Acts, ch 184, §2--5, 7; 2007 Acts, ch 215, §106, 107, 130; 2008 Acts, ch 1018, §9--16; 2008 Acts, ch 1088, §118; 2008 Acts, ch 1113, §58--77; 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §4, 5; 2008 Acts, ch 1130, §8, 10 Referred to in § 35A.11, 100B.12, 257.31, 303.9A, 321.105, 321.145, 321.166, 321L.1, 321L.2, 321L.2A, 331.557, 805.8A(2a) For applicable scheduled fines, see § 805.8A, subsection 2, paragraph a

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