321J.20 TEMPORARY RESTRICTED LICENSE. 1. The department may, on application, issue a temporary restricted license to a person whose noncommercial driver's license is revoked under this chapter allowing the person to drive to and from the person's home and specified places at specified times which can be verified by the department and which are required by the person's full-time or part-time employment, continuing health care or the continuing health care of another who is dependent upon the person, continuing education while enrolled in an educational institution on a part-time or full-time basis and while pursuing a course of study leading to a diploma, degree, or other certification of successful educational completion, substance abuse treatment, court-ordered community service responsibilities, and appointments with the person's parole or probation officer if the person's driver's license has not been revoked previously under section 321J.4, 321J.9, or 321J.12 and if any of the following apply: a. The person's noncommercial driver's license is revoked under section 321J.4 and the minimum period of ineligibility for issuance of a temporary restricted license has expired. This subsection shall not apply to a revocation ordered under section 321J.4 resulting from a plea or verdict of guilty of a violation of section 321J.2 that involved a death. b. The person's noncommercial driver's license is revoked under section 321J.9 and the person has entered a plea of guilty on a charge of a violation of section 321J.2 which arose from the same set of circumstances which resulted in the person's driver's license revocation under section 321J.9 and the guilty plea is not withdrawn at the time of or after application for the temporary restricted license, and the minimum period of ineligibility for issuance of a temporary restricted license has expired. c. The person's noncommercial driver's license is revoked under section 321J.12, and the minimum period of ineligibility for issuance of a temporary restricted license has expired. However, a temporary restricted license may be issued if the person's noncommercial driver's license is revoked under section 321J.9, and the revocation is a second revocation under this chapter, and the first three hundred sixty-five days of the revocation have expired. 2. This section does not apply to a person whose license was revoked under section 321J.2A or section 321J.4, subsection 4 or 6, or to a person whose license is suspended or revoked for another reason. 3. A person holding a temporary restricted license issued by the department under this section shall not operate a motor vehicle for pleasure. 4. A person holding a temporary restricted license issued by the department under this section shall not operate a commercial motor vehicle on a highway if a commercial driver's license is required for the person's operation of the commercial motor vehicle. 5. A person holding a temporary license issued by the department under this chapter shall be prohibited from operating a school bus. 6. Following certain minimum periods of ineligibility, a temporary restricted license under this section shall not be issued until such time as the applicant installs an ignition interlock device of a type approved by the commissioner of public safety on all motor vehicles owned or operated by the applicant, in accordance with section 321J.2, 321J.4, 321J.9, or 321J.12. Installation of an ignition interlock device under this section shall be required for the period of time for which the temporary restricted license is issued. 7. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the department may issue a temporary restricted license to a person otherwise eligible for a temporary restricted license under this section, whose period of revocation under this chapter has expired, but who has not met all requirements for reinstatement of the person's driver's license or nonresident operating privileges. Section History: Recent Form 86 Acts, ch 1220, § 20; 90 Acts, ch 1230, § 87, 88; 95 Acts, ch 48, §21; 95 Acts, ch 143, §7; 97 Acts, ch 177, §18--20; 98 Acts, ch 1073, §9, 12; 98 Acts, ch 1138, §5, 36, 37; 2000 Acts, ch 1133, §17; 2003 Acts, ch 60, §7; 2007 Acts, ch 196, §6 Referred to in § 321J.2, 321J.4