327D.17 CRIMINAL LIABILITY. Except as otherwise specially provided for in this chapter, and unless relieved from the consequences of a violation of the law as provided herein, any common carrier subject to the provisions hereof, or, when such common carrier is a corporation, any director or officer thereof, or any receiver, trustee, lessee, agent, or person acting for or employed by such corporation, who, alone or with any other corporation, company, person, or party shall willfully do or cause to be done, or shall willfully suffer or permit to be done any act, matter, or thing in this chapter prohibited or declared to be unlawful, or who shall aid or abet therein, or shall willfully omit or fail to do any act, matter, or thing in this chapter required to be done, or shall cause or willingly suffer or permit any act, matter, or thing, so directed or required by the provisions of this chapter to be done, not to be so done; or shall aid or abet any such omission or failure, or shall be guilty of any infraction of the provisions of this chapter, or shall aid or abet therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a schedule "four" penalty. Section History: Early Form [C97, § 2132; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 8053; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, § 479.18; C77, 79, 81, § 327D.17] Referred to in § 327D.40 See § 327C.5