327D.66 RATE SCHEDULES -- FILING AND PUBLIC ACCESS. Every common carrier, except railway corporations, subject to the provisions of this chapter shall file with the department and shall print schedules showing the rates for the transportation within this state of persons and property from each point upon its route to all other points on the route and from all points upon its route to all points upon every other route leased, operated, or controlled by it; and from each point on its route or upon any route leased, operated, or controlled by it to all points upon the route of any other common carrier, whenever a through route and a joint rate have been established or ordered between any two points. If no joint rate over a through route has been established, the schedules of the several carriers in the through route shall show the separately established rates, applicable to the through transportation. The schedules shall be plainly printed and a copy of often used schedules shall be kept by every carrier readily accessible to and for inspection by the public in every station and office of the carrier where passengers or property are received for transportation when the station or office is in the charge of an agent. A notice printed in bold type and stating that the often used schedules are on file with the agent and open to public inspection, and that the agent will assist any person to determine from the schedule any rate shall be posted by the carrier in public and conspicuous places in each station or office. The department shall, by rule, provide that adequate public access to schedules not often used be provided in a different manner. Railway corporations shall maintain a copy of schedules and rates on file in the office of the carrier readily accessible to and for inspection by the public. Section History: Early Form [C73, § 1304; C97, § 2128; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 8083, 8085, 8087; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, § 479.49, 479.51, 479.53; C77, 79, 81, § 327D.66; 81 Acts, ch 22, § 16] Section History: Recent Form 89 Acts, ch 57, § 1, 2