327F.19 MINIMUM LENGTH -- CONSTRUCTION -- EQUIPMENT. It shall be unlawful, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, for any such common carrier by railroad to use on its lines any caboose car or other car used for like purposes, unless such caboose or other car shall be at least twenty-four feet in length, exclusive of the platform, and equipped with two four-wheel trucks, and shall be provided with a door in each end thereof and an outside platform across each end of said car; each platform shall not be less than eighteen inches in width and shall be equipped with proper guard rails, and with grab irons and hand brakes, and steps for the safety of persons getting on and off said cars; said steps shall be equipped with a suitable rod, board, or other guard at each end and at the back thereof, properly designed to prevent slipping from said step. Such caboose or other car used for like purposes shall be provided with cupola, or side bay windows, and necessary closets and windows. Each caboose car shall be equipped with an emergency air valve and air gauge, which shall be placed on inside of said car; but the provisions hereof shall not apply to work trains, transfer service, or emergencies not exceeding thirty-six hours. Section History: Early Form [S13, § 2083-j; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 7972; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, § 477.27; C77, 79, 81, § 327F.19] Referred to in § 327F.18, 327F.20