327H.20A RAILROAD REVOLVING LOAN AND GRANT FUND. 1. A railroad revolving loan and grant fund is established in the office of the treasurer of state under the control of the department. Moneys in the fund shall be expended for the following purposes: a. Grants or loans to provide assistance for the restoration, conservation, improvement, and construction of railroad main lines, branch lines, switching yards, sidings, rail connections, intermodal yards, highway grade separations, and other railroad-related improvements. b. Grants or loans for rail economic development projects that improve rail facilities, including the construction of branch lines, sidings, rail connections, intermodal yards, and other rail-related improvements that spur economic development and job growth. 2. The department shall administer a program for the granting and administration of loans and grants under this section. The department may establish a limit on the amount that may be awarded as a grant for any given project in order to maximize the use of the moneys in the fund. The department may enter into agreements with railroad corporations, the United States government, cities, counties, and other persons for carrying out the purposes of this section. 3. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, on or after July 1, 2006, moneys received as repayments for loans made pursuant to this chapter or chapter 327I, Code 2009, before, on, or after July 1, 2005, other than repayments of federal moneys subject to section 327H.21, shall be credited to the railroad revolving loan and grant fund. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys in the railroad revolving loan and grant fund shall not revert to the general fund of the state but shall remain available indefinitely for expenditure under this section. Section History: Recent Form 98 Acts, ch 1223, §39; 2005 Acts, ch 178, §31; 2009 Acts, ch 97, §11 Footnotes Continuation of assistance agreements entered into pursuant to this chapter or chapter 327I prior to May 4, 2009; 2009 Acts, ch 97, §15