384.103 BONDS AUTHORIZED -- EMERGENCY REPAIRS. 1. A governing body may authorize, sell, issue, and deliver its bonds whether or not notice and hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the public improvement to be paid for in whole or in part from the proceeds of said bonds has been given, and whether or not a contract has been awarded for the construction of the improvement. This subsection does not apply to bonds which are payable solely from special assessment levies against benefited property. 2. When emergency repair of a public improvement is necessary and the delay of advertising and a public letting might cause serious loss or injury to the city, the chief officer or official of the governing body of the city or the governing body shall make a finding of the necessity to institute emergency proceedings under this section, and shall procure a certificate from a competent licensed professional engineer or registered architect, certifying that emergency repairs are necessary. In that event the chief officer or official of the governing body or the governing body may accept, enter into, and make payment under a contract for emergency repairs without holding a public hearing and advertising for bids, and the provisions of chapter 26 do not apply. Section History: Early Form [C75, 77, 79, 81, § 384.103] Section History: Recent Form 2006 Acts, ch 1017, §37, 42, 43; 2007 Acts, ch 126, §62; 2009 Acts, ch 100, §16, 21 Referred to in § 28E.6, 314.1, 331.341, 357A.12, 390.3 Analogous provision, § 73A.19