384.58 INSPECTION OF WORK. 1. The engineer for the city shall inspect all work done under this division, and within fifteen days of final completion of the public improvement, the engineer shall file a certificate with the clerk stating: a. That the engineer has inspected the completed work. b. That the work has or has not been performed in compliance with the terms of the contract, and the particulars, if any, in which the work varies from the terms. c. The total cost of the completed work. 2. Within fifteen days after the filing of the engineer's certificate, the council shall by resolution accept or reject the work. 3. Upon accepting the work, or within ten days thereafter, the council shall ascertain the total cost and by resolution determine the proportion or amount of the cost to be assessed against private property within the assessment district. If the council has elected to award more than one contract for the work, the council may elect to proceed separately with the acceptance and levy of assessments for the work done under each contract. 4. Upon accepting the work, the council shall order payment of any amount due the contractor, to be made by warrants issued in the manner provided by section 384.57 or by other means. The city shall order payment of any amount due the contractor to be made in accordance with the terms of the contract. Failure to make payment within seventy days after the work under the contract has been completed and if the work has been accepted and all required materials, certifications, and other documentations required to be submitted by the contractor and specified by the contract have been furnished the awarding city by the contractor, shall cause interest to accrue on the amount unpaid to the benefit of the unpaid party. Interest shall not accrue on funds retained by a city to satisfy the provisions of section 573.14 regarding claims on file. Interest shall accrue during the period commencing the thirty-first day following the completion of work and satisfaction of the other requirements of this subsection and ending on the date of payment. The rate of interest shall be determined, by the period of time during which interest accrues, and shall be the same as the rate of interest that is in effect under section 12C.6, as of the day interest begins to accrue, for a deposit of public funds for a comparable period of time. Nothing contained in this subsection shall abridge any of the rights set forth in section 573.16. Section History: Early Form [C97, § 820, 822; S13, § 779, 792-f, 820, 840-a; SS15, § 840-r; C24, 27, § 6018, 6025; C31, 35, § 6018, 6025, 6610-c52, 6610-c54; C39, § 6018, 6025, 6610.53, 6610.56; C46, § 391.45, 391.52, 417.56, 417.58; C50, § 391.45, 391.52, 391A.20, 417.56, 417.58; C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, § 391.45, 391.52, 391A.23, 417.56, 417.58; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 384.58; 81 Acts, ch 127, § 2] Referred to in § 384.57