384.85 RECORDS -- ACCOUNTS -- DEPOSITS. 1. The governing body of each city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise being operated on a revenue producing basis shall maintain a proper system of books, records, and accounts. 2. The gross revenues of each city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise must be deposited with the treasurer of the governing body and kept by the treasurer in a separate account apart from the other funds of the city and from each other. The treasurer shall apply the gross revenues of each city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise only as ordered by the governing body and in strict compliance with such orders, including the provisions, terms, conditions, and covenants of any and all resolutions of the governing body pursuant to which revenue bonds or pledge orders are issued and outstanding. If the council is the governing body, it may designate another city officer to serve as treasurer. Section History: Early Form [C97, § 748; S13, § 741-w2, 748; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 5902, 6158; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, § 384.3(12), 398.9; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 384.85] Referred to in § 26.9, 357A.11, 389.4, 390.5