1-307. Reciprocity; waiver of examination; conditions; requirements. (a) The board, in its discretion, may waive the examination of and may issue a certificate to a holder of a certificate as a "certified public accountant" issued under the laws of any state upon a showing that:
(1) The applicant passed the examination required for issuance of the applicant's certificate with grades that would have been passing grades at the time in this state; and the applicant (A) meets all current requirements in this state for the issuance of a certificate at the time application is made, (B) at the time of the issuance of the applicant's certificate in the other state, met all such requirements then applicable in this state, (C) had four years' of experience of the type described in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 1-302b, and amendments thereto, after passing the examination upon which the applicant's certificate was based and within the 10 years immediately preceding the application; or
(2) the applicant meets the substantial equivalency standard set out in either paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 1-322, and amendments thereto.
(b) The board shall issue a certificate to a holder of a foreign designation, granted in a foreign country entitling the holder thereof to engage in the practice of certified public accountancy, provided that:
(1) The foreign authority which granted the designation makes similar provision to allow a person who holds a valid certificate issued by this state to obtain such foreign authority's comparable designation;
(2) the foreign designation: (A) Was duly issued by a foreign authority that regulates the practice of certified public accountancy and the foreign designation has not expired or been revoked or suspended; (B) entitles the holder to issue reports upon financial statements; and (C) was issued upon the basis of educational, examination and experience requirements established by the foreign authority or by law;
(3) the applicant: (A) Received the designation, based on educational and examination standards substantially equivalent to those in effect in this state at the time the foreign designation was granted; (B) completed an experience requirement, substantially equivalent to the requirement set out in K.S.A. 1-302b, and amendments thereto, in the jurisdiction which granted the foreign designation; and (C) passed a uniform qualifying examination in national standards and an examination on the laws, regulations and code of ethical conduct in effect in this state acceptable to the board; and
(4) the applicant shall in the application list all jurisdictions, foreign and domestic, in which the applicant has applied for or holds a designation to practice public accountancy.
Each holder of a certificate issued under this subsection shall notify the board in writing, within 30 days after its occurrence, of any issuance, denial, revocation or suspension of a designation or commencement of a disciplinary or enforcement action by any jurisdiction. The board has the sole authority to interpret the application of the provisions of this subsection.
History: L. 1951, ch. 1, § 11; L. 1981, ch. 2, § 10; L. 1990, ch. 1, § 3; L. 1995, ch. 152, § 3; L. 2000, ch. 81, § 10; L. 2009, ch. 38, § 5; Apr. 2.