17-1371. Conveyance of cemetery property to Dodge City; transfer of books, paper, records and funds. (a) The board of county commissioners of Ford county is hereby authorized to convey to the city of Dodge City, with the consent of the governing body of such city, the following described cemetery property and any improvements thereon: Beginning at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 28, township 26 south, range 25 west of the 6th P.M., Ford county, Kansas; thence running westerly 660 feet; then southerly 500 feet, thence easterly 660 feet; thence northerly 500 feet to the place of beginning.
(b) Upon the conveyance of the cemetery property under subsection (a), title to all such property shall vest in the city of Dodge City, and the permanent maintenance fund, if any, together with any investments then outstanding, and all books, records and papers of such cemetery shall be transferred to the treasurer of such municipality and shall become the property thereof. Upon the transfer of such property and funds, the governing body of the city of Dodge City shall care for and maintain such cemetery with any moneys of the cemetery corporation including the principal of and income from the permanent maintenance fund, if any; and, if such moneys are insufficient to properly maintain such cemetery, with funds of the municipality. The principal of and income from the permanent maintenance fund may be deposited in any appropriate fund of the municipality or may be invested in the manner provided in K.S.A. 17-1311 and amendments thereto, but shall be used exclusively for care and maintenance of such cemetery.
History: L. 1991, ch. 77, § 2; July 1.