20-2612. Annuity payments; re-examination of permanently disabled,when; discontinuance of payments, when.Annuity payments to a judge who has retired under K.S.A. 20-2608 shall continueuntil the end of the month in which such judgeshall die. The last annuity payment and any other payments to which suchjudge shall be entitled and which have not been paid at the time of hisdeath shall be paid to his beneficiary. A judge who is receiving annuitypayments under K.S.A. 20-2609 shall continue to receivesuch annuities as long as he is permanently disabled, and if such judgeshall die while so disabled, payment of annuities shall be terminated inthe same manner as hereinbefore provided for a judge who dies subsequentto his retirement. Any judge who is receiving annuities under K.S.A. 20-2609may be required by the supreme court to submit toa re-examination at any time. Any such judge shall have the right tore-examination upon application to the court but not more often thanonce every six months.
A physician appointed by the court shall make such examinations andreport his findings to the court which shall make a determination. Inthe event the court shall find that the permanent disability no longerexists the court shall so notify the board and thereupon said boardshall discontinue annuity payments to such judge unless said judge hasin the meantime qualified for retirement by reason of his age. If anyjudge refuses to submit to such re-examination the court shall so informthe board which shall immediately terminate all annuity payments to suchjudge. Costs incurred by the supreme court for the services of aphysician as authorized by this act shall be paid by the board out ofmoneys appropriated to administer this act, and shall not be paid out ofthe fund.
History: L. 1953, ch. 182, § 12; July 1.