20-2620. District magistrate judges to becomemembers of retirement system for judges; transfer of contributions; purchase ofservice credit.(a) Except as otherwise provided, each district magistrate judge holdingsuch position onthe effective date of this act may become a member of the retirement system forjudges on the first day of the payroll period of the fiscal year ending June30, 1994, only by filing with the board oftrustees of the Kansas public employees retirement system on or before thefirst day of the payroll period of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1994, awritten election to become a member of the system. Failure to file suchwritten election shall be presumed to be an election not to become a member ofthe system. Such election, whether to become a member or not to become amember, shall be irrevocable. In addition, any such district magistrate judgewho makes the election previously provided in this section, may elect totransfer such district magistrate judge's service credit from theKansas public employees retirement systemas provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 20-2601 and amendments thereto andsubsection (c).The date of membership for a district magistrate judge who became a member ofthe system as provided in this section and who purchased service as provided insubsection (c) shall be the day that such district magistrate judge became adistrict magistrate judge. Such district magistrate judge shall be subject tothe provisions of subsection (a)(2) of K.S.A. 20-2610 and amendments thereto.
(b) Each person who becomes a district magistrate judge on or after theeffective date of this act shall become a member of the retirement system forjudges on the first day such person holds the position of district magistratejudge.
(c) The board of trustees of the Kansas public employees retirement systemshall transfer to the credit of the district magistrate judge under theretirement system for judges such amounts as may be presently credited to adistrict magistrate judge's account for contribution under the Kansas publicemployees retirement system and an equivalent amount to the employer's accountfor contributions for such district magistrate judge whenever an applicationfor conversion of service under the Kansas public employeesretirement system is received from a district magistrate judge. Subject tothe provisions of K.S.A. 74-49,123 and amendments thereto, anydistrictmagistrate judge may purchase such service by electingsuch purchase prior to retirement by means of a single lump-sum payment orequal annual paymentsfor not to exceed five years. The lump-sum or annual payments shall bedetermined by the system's actuary by using the member's final average salaryat the time of application, actuarial assumptions and tables currently in useby the system and the member's attained age.
History: L. 1993, ch. 227, § 53;L. 1998, ch. 64, § 20;L. 1998, ch. 201, § 6; July 1.