20-2905. Same; nonlawyer members; numbers;qualifications;appointments; certification.(a) The appointments of nonlawyer members of a district judicialnominating commission shall be made as follows:
(1) In a judicial district consisting of a single county, each member ofthe board of county commissioners of such county shall appoint onenonlawyer to serve as a member of the nominating commission.
(2) In a judicial district consisting of two counties, the boardofcounty commissioners of each such county shall appoint twononlawyersto serve as members of the nominating commission.
(3) In a judicial district consisting of three or more counties,theboard of county commissioners of each such county shall appoint onenonlawyer to serve as a member of the nominating commission.
Each nonlawyer member of the nominating commission shall be a qualifiedelector of the county from which such member isappointed.
(b) All appointments of nonlawyers to serve as members of the firstdistrict judicial nominating commission of a judicial district shall bemade and certified to the clerk of the supreme court on orbefore February 15of the year following the general election at which the nonpartisanselection of judges of the district court is approved. Thereafter, allappointments of nonlawyers to serve for full terms on the commission shallbe made and certified to the clerk of the supreme court onor before February15 of the year in which such terms of office commence.
History: L. 1974, ch. 137, § 5; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 99;L. 2003, ch. 99, § 12; July 1.