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20-2906. Same; terms of office; members ineligible for certain positions; vacancies.


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-2906.   Same; terms of office; members ineligiblefor certain positions; vacancies.(a) All members of the district judicial nominating commission who are electedor appointed to full terms of office shall commence their terms of office onthe first Monday in March following their election or appointment, and shallserve for terms of four years, except that lawyer members of the firstnominating commission established in a judicial district shall serve for termsof office as provided in subsection (b), and nonlawyer members of the firstcommission shall serve for terms of office as provided in subsection (c).

      No member of a district judicial nominating commission, while such member isa member, shall hold any office or official position in a political party or beeligible for nomination to the position of judge of the district court.

      (b)   The terms of office for lawyer members of the first nominatingcommission established in a judicial district shall be determined by lotat the first meeting of the commission in accordance with the following:

      (1)   Where there are three lawyer members of a commission, two of suchmembers shall serve for terms of one year and one such member shall serve for aterm of three years.

      (2)   Where there are four lawyer members on a commission, two such membersshall serve for terms of one year and two such members shall serve for terms ofthree years.

      (3)   Where there are five lawyer members on a commission, three such membersshall serve for terms of one year and two such members shall serve for terms ofthree years.

      (4)   Where there are six lawyer members on a commission, three such membersshall serve for terms of one year and three such members shall serve for termsof three years.

      (5)   Where there are seven lawyer members on a commission, four such membersshall serve for terms of one year and three such members shall serve for termsof three years.

      (c)   The terms of office for nonlawyer members of the first nominatingcommission established in a judicial district shall be determined by lot at thefirst meeting of the commission in accordance with the following:

      (1)   Where there are three nonlawyer members of a commission, one such membershall serve for a term of one year and two such members shall serve for termsof three years.

      (2)   Where there are four nonlawyer members of a commission, two such membersshall serve for terms of one year and two such members shall serve for terms ofthree years.

      (3)   Where there are five nonlawyer members of a commission, two such membersshall serve for terms of one year and three such members shall serve for termsof three years.

      (4)   Where there are six nonlawyer members of a commission, three suchmembers shall serve for terms of one year and three such members shall servefor terms of three years.

      (5)   Where there are seven nonlawyer members of a commission, three suchmembers shall serve for terms of one year and four such members shall serve forterms of three years.

      (d)   In determining terms of office of members of the first nominatingcommission established in a judicial district pursuant to subsections (b) and(c), the supreme court shall prescribe the method of determining the terms bylot. Any method or procedure so prescribed shall be officiated by thechairperson of the commission. Upon the expiration of the terms of officeprovided in subsections (b) and (c), successors shall be selected for terms offour years in the same manner as the members whose terms of office are expiringwere selected.

      (e)   Whenever a vacancy for any reason other than the expiration of a term ofoffice shall occur in a lawyer's position on the district judicial nominatingcommission, leaving an unexpired term of office of more than 90 days, the chiefjustice of the supreme court shall appoint a successor of like qualificationsto serve until the first Monday in March that occurs more than 90 days afterthe date of the vacancy or until the end of the unexpired term, whicheveroccurs first. If such first Monday in March occurs prior to the end of theunexpired term, a lawyer of like qualifications shall be elected in the mannerprescribed by subsection (d) of K.S.A. 20-2904, and amendments thereto, toserve from such Monday in March until the end of the unexpired term. If anysuch vacancy occurs in a lawyer's position on the nominating commissionleaving an unexpired term of office of 90 days or less, there shall be noappointment or election of a successor to fill the unexpired term.

      (f)   Whenever a vacancy for any reason other than the expiration of a term ofoffice shall occur in a nonlawyer's position on the district judicialnominating commission, a successor of like qualification shall be appointedfor the unexpired term inthe same manner as the member whose position is vacant was appointed. Suchsuccessor shall serve until the end of the unexpired term.

      History:   L. 1974, ch. 137, § 6; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 100;L. 1992,ch. 283, § 4;L. 2003, ch. 99, § 13; July 1.

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