21-3102. Scope and application.(1) No conduct constitutes a crime against the state of Kansas unless itis made criminal in this code or in another statute of this state, butwhere a crime is denounced by any statute of this state, but not defined,the definition of such crime at common law shall be applied.
(2) Unless expressly stated otherwise, or the context otherwiserequires, the provisions of this code apply to crimes created by statuteother than in this code.
(3) This code does not affect the power of a court to punish forcontempt or to employ any sanction authorized by law for the enforcement ofan order or a civil judgment or decree.
(4) This code has no application to crimes committed prior to itseffective date. A crime is committed prior to the effective date of thecode if any of the essential elements of the crime as then defined occurredbefore that date. Prosecutions for prior crimes shall be governed,prosecuted and punished under the laws existing at the time such crimeswere committed.
History: L. 1969, ch. 180, § 21-3102; July 1, 1970.