21-3849. Destruction or concealment of records.(a) Destruction orconcealment of records is intentionally destroying orconcealing such records as are necessary to disclose fully the nature of thegoods, services, items, facilities or accommodations for which a claim wassubmitted or payment was received under the medicaid program, orsuch records as are necessary to disclose fully all income and expendituresupon which rates of payment were based under the medicaidprogram. Upon submitting a claim for or upon receiving payment for goods,services, items, facilities or accommodations under the medicaidprogram, a person shall not destroy or conceal any records for five yearsafter the date on which payment was received, if payment was received, orfor five years after the date on which the claim was submitted, if thepayment was not received.
(b) Destruction or concealment of records is a severity level 9, nonpersonfelony.
History: L. 1996, ch. 267, § 6; July 1.