21-3852. Medicaid fraud and abuse division in the office of the attorneygeneral.(a) There ishereby created within the office of the attorneygeneral a medicaid fraud and abuse division.
(b) The medicaid fraud and abuse division shall be the same entity towhich all cases of suspected medicaid fraud shall be referred by the departmentof social and rehabilitation services, or its fiscal agent, for the purpose ofinvestigation, criminal prosecution or referral to the districtor county attorney for criminal prosecution.
(c) In carrying out these responsibilities, the attorney generalshall have all the powers necessary to comply with the federal laws andregulations relative to the operation of the medicaid fraud and abuse division,the power to investigate, criminally prosecuteviolations of this act, the power to cross-designate assistant United Statesattorneys as assistant attorneys general, the power to issue, serve or causeto be issued or served subpoenas or other process in aid of investigations andprosecutions, the power to administer oaths and take sworn statements underpenalty of perjury, the power to serve and execute in any county, searchwarrants which relate to investigations authorized by this act, and the powersof a district or county attorney.
History: L. 1996, ch. 267, § 9; July 1.