21-4308. Installing communication facilities for gamblers.Installing communication facilities for gamblers is:
(a) Installing communication facilities in a place which the person whoinstalls the facilities knows is a gambling place;
(b) Installing communication facilities knowing that they will be usedprincipally for the purpose of transmitting information to be used inmaking or settling bets; or
(c) Knowing that communication facilities are being used principally forthe purpose of transmitting information to be used in making or settlingbets, allowing their continued use. When anypublicutility providing telephone communications service is notified in writingby a state or local law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction,that any facility furnished by it is being used principally for the purposeof transmitting or receiving gambling information, it shall discontinue orrefuse the leasing, furnishing, or maintaining of such facility, afterreasonable notice to the subscriber, but no damages, penalty or forfeiture,civil or criminal, shall be found against any such public utility for anyact done in compliance with any notice received from a law enforcementagency. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prejudice the right ofany person affected thereby to secure an appropriate determination, asotherwise provided by law, in a court of competent jurisdiction, that suchfacility should not be discontinued or removed, or should be restored.
Installing communications facilities for gamblers is a severity level 8, nonperson felony.
History: L. 1969, ch. 180, § 21-4308;L. 1992, ch. 239, § 219;L. 1993, ch. 291, § 167; July 1.