21-4315. Unlawful conduct of dog fighting; unlawfulattendance of dog fighting; unlawful possession of dog fightingparaphernalia.(a) Unlawful conduct of dog fighting is: (1) Causing, for amusementor gain, any dog to fight with or injure another dog, (2) knowinglypermitting such fighting or injuring on premises under one's ownership,charge or control, or (3) training, owning, keeping, transporting or sellingany dog for the purpose or with the intent of having it fight with orinjure another dog.
(b) Unlawful possession of dog fighting paraphernalia ispossession of any breaking stick, treadmill, wheel, hot walker,cat mill, cat walker, jenni, or other paraphernalia together withevidence that the paraphernalia is being used or is intended foruse in the unlawful conduct of dog fighting.
(c) Unlawful attendance of dog fighting is entering orremaining on the premises where the unlawful conduct of dogfighting is occurring.
(d) Unlawful conduct of dog fightingis a severity level 10, nonperson felony.
(e) Unlawful possession of dog fighting paraphernalia is aclass A nonperson misdemeanor.
(f) Unlawful attendance of dog fighting is a class Bnonperson misdemeanor.
(g) This section and K.S.A. 21-4316 and 21-4317,and amendments thereto, shall be partof and supplementalto the Kansas criminal code.
History: L. 1982, ch. 131, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 123, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 239, § 221;L. 1993, ch. 291, § 169;L. 2009, ch. 132, § 5; July 1.