21-4319. Unlawful conduct of cockfighting; unlawfulpossession of cockfighting paraphernalia; unlawful attendance ofcockfighting.(a) Unlawful conduct of cockfighting is: (1) Causing, foramusement or gain, any gamecock to fight with or injure or kill anothergamecock; (2)knowingly permitting such fighting or injuring on premises under one'sownership, charge or control; or (3) training, grooming, preparing ormedicating any gamecock for the purpose or with the intent of having itfight withor injure or kill another gamecock.
(b) Unlawful possession of cockfighting paraphernalia ispossession of spurs, gaffs, swords, leather training spur covers or anythingworn by a gamecock during a fight to further the killing power of suchgamecock.
(c) Unlawful attendance of cockfighting is entering or remaining on thepremises where the unlawful conduct of cockfighting is occurring.
(d) Unlawful conduct of cockfighting is a level 10 nonperson felony.
(e) Unlawful possession of cockfighting paraphernalia is a class A nonpersonmisdemeanor.
(f) Unlawful attendance of cockfighting is a class B nonpersonmisdemeanor.
(g) As used in this section, "gamecock" means adomesticated fowl that isreared or trained for the purpose of fighting with other fowl.
(h) The provisions of this section shall be part of andsupplemental to theKansas criminal code.
History: L. 2002, ch. 132, § 1;L. 2009, ch. 132, § 7; July 1.