21-4725. Sentencing guidelines; changes in; duties of sentencingcommission and secretary of corrections; submission to legislature.The Kansas sentencing commission shall meet as necessary forthe purpose of modifying and improving the guidelines. The secretary ofcorrections shall notify the commission at any time when it is determined thatprisons in the state have been filled to 90% or more oftheir overall capacity. The commission shall then propose modifications whichamend thesentencing guidelinesgrid, including severity levels, criminal history scores or other factors whichwould result in the reduction of any sentence, as deemed necessary to maintainthe prison population within the reasonable management capacity of the prisonsas determined after consultation with the secretary of corrections. Suchproposed modifications shall be submitted to the legislature by February 1 inany year in which the commission proposes to make the change. No change will bein effect without the approval of the legislature and the governor.
History: L. 1992, ch. 239, § 25; July 1, 1993.