22-3011. Indictment, procedure.(1) An indictment may be found only on the concurrence of 12 or moregrand jurors. When an indictment is found, the presidingjuror shall endorse thereon"a true bill" and shall sign the presidingjuror's name as presiding juror.
(2) When 12 or more grand jurors do not concur in finding an indictment,the presiding juror shall certify that theindictment is "not a true bill."
(3) Indictments found by the grand jury shall be presented by its presidingjuror, in the jury's presence, tothe court and shall be filed and remain asrecords of the court.
History: L. 1970, ch. 129, § 22-3011; L. 1984, ch. 112, § 20; July 1.