22-3202. Joinder of charges and defendants.(1) Two or more crimes may be charged against a defendant in the samecomplaint, information or indictment in a separate count for each crime ifthe crimes charged, whether felonies or misdemeanors or both, are of thesame or similar character or are based on the same act or transaction or ontwo or more acts or transactions connected together or constituting partsof a common scheme or plan.
(2) When a felony and misdemeanor are joined as separate counts in thesame complaint, both of such counts shall be tried together in the trial forwhich the defendant is bound over on the felony count. If the defendantis not bound over on the felony count, said defendant shall be tried on themisdemeanor count in the same manner as other prosecutions for misdemeanors.
(3) Two or more defendants may be charged in the same complaint,information or indictment if they are alleged to have participated in thesame act or transaction or in the same series of acts or transactionsconstituting the crime or crimes. Such defendants may be charged in one ormore counts together or separately and all of the defendants need not becharged in each count.
History: L. 1970, ch. 129, § 22-3202; L. 1976, ch. 163, § 15;Jan. 10, 1977.