22-4111. Kansas council for interstate adultoffender supervision; membership; meetings; responsibilities;compensation.(a) The Kansas council for interstate adult offender supervisionshall consistof the following members:
(1) The governor or the governor's designee;
(2) the chief justice of the supreme court or the chief justice's designee;
(3) the attorney general or the attorney general's designee;
(4) a person representing crime victims groups appointed by the attorneygeneral;
(5) one county attorney or district attorney appointed by the governor;
(6) one private defense counsel appointed by the governor;
(7) the chairperson of the Kansas parole board or such chairperson'sdesignee;
(8) the secretary of corrections or the secretary's designee;
(9) two senators, one shall be appointed by the president of the senate andone shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate; and
(10) two representatives, one shall be appointed by the speaker of the houseof representatives and one shall be appointed by the minority leader of thehouse of representatives.
(b) The appointments shall be made within 30 days after the effective date ofthis act. The initial meeting of the council shall be convened within 60 daysafter the effective date of this act by the secretary of corrections at a timeand place designated by the secretary of corrections. The council shall elect achairperson and may elect any additional officers from among its membersnecessary to discharge its duties.
(c) Meetings of the council subsequent to its initial meeting shall be heldand conducted in accordance with policies and procedures established by thecouncil.
(d) The council shall meet upon call of its chairperson as necessary to carryout its duties under this act.
(e) Each member of the council appointed by the governor or the attorneygeneral shall be appointed for a term of four years. All other members shall beappointed for a term of twoyears and shall continue to serve during that time as long as the memberoccupies the position which made the member eligible for the appointment. Eachmember shall continue in office until a successor is appointed and qualifies.Members shall be eligible for reappointment, and appointment may be made tofill an unexpired term.
(f) The council shall oversee and administer the state's participation in theinterstate compact for adult offenders supervision, K.S.A.22-4110,and amendments thereto, and shall develop policies concerning the operationsand procedures of the compact within the state.The council shall appoint the compact administrator.
(g) Each member of the council shall receive compensation, subsistenceallowances, mileage and other expenses as provided for in K.S.A. 75-3223, andamendments thereto, for each day or part thereof actually spent on councilactivities.
(h) The provisions of this section shall take effect and be in forcefrom and after the later of July 1, 2002, or upon enactment into law by the35th jurisdiction of the interstate compact for adult offenders supervision.
History: L. 2002, ch. 177, § 3; June 6.