22-4210. Summoning person confined in another state; certification;notice to attorney general; exceptions to act.If a person confined in a penal institution in any other state may be amaterial witness in a criminal action pending in a court of record or in agrand jury investigation in this state, a judge of the court may certify(1) that there is a criminal proceeding or investigation by a grand jury ora criminal action pending in the court, (2) that a person who is confinedin a penal institution in the other state may be a material witness in theproceeding, investigation, or action, and (3) that his presence will berequired during a specified time. The certificate shall be presented to ajudge of a court of record in the other state having jurisdiction over theprisoner confined, and a notice shall be given to the attorney general ofthe state in which the prisoner is confined.
This act does not apply to any person in this state confined as mentallyill, in need of mental treatment, or under sentence of death.
History: L. 1973, ch. 145, § 4; July 1.