22-4501. Panel of attorneys for indigents' defense services; eligibility;amendment, review and approval; appointments to aid defendants, method.(a) The judge or judges of the district court of each county shall prepare,and file in the office of the clerk of the district court, a list ofattorneys who are eligible for assignment to represent indigent personsaccused of crimes, such list to be known as the panel for indigents' defense services.
(b) Each member of the panel for indigents' defense services shallbe available to represent indigent defendants upon the appointment ofany judge of the district court of the judicial district in which suchmember maintains an office for the practice of law, or any adjacentjudicial district. All such appointments shall be in accordance with the applicablesystem for providing legal defense services for indigent persons prescribedby the state board of indigents' defense services for the county or judicialdistrict. A judge of the district court may appoint anattorney who is a member of the panel for indigents' defense services of acounty other than the county where the case is pending only after suchjudge of the district court has found that no member of the panel for indigents'defense services of the county where the case is pending is eligibleor qualified to represent the defendant.
(c) The panel for indigents' defenseservices may be amended by the addition of names thereto or thedeletion of names therefrom whenever the removal of attorneys to or fromthe district or any other cause makes such action appropriate, and atleast once annually it shall be reviewed and approved by the judge orjudges of the district court of the county.
(d) The state board of indigents' defense servicesshall provide by rule and regulation for the assignment ofattorneys to the panel for indigents' defense services, for the distributionof the list of panel members to the judges of the district court and lawenforcement officials of the judicial district, and for the appointment, byrotation or otherwise, of counsel from the panelfor indigents' defense services to represent indigent persons charged withcrimes in suchcases and under such circumstances as may be required by law.
History: L. 1969, ch. 291, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 110; L.1982, ch. 142, § 11; July 1.