22-4519. State board of indigents' defense services;appointment and terms; qualifications.(a) There is hereby created within the executive branch of state governmentthe state board of indigents' defense services, which shall consist of ninemembers appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senateas provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b andamendments thereto. Except as provided by K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 46-2601, no personappointed tothe commission [board] shall exercise any power, duty or function as a memberofthecommission until confirmed by the senate.
(b) The terms of members who are serving on the boardon the effective date of this act shall expire on January 15, of the year inwhich such member's term would have expired under the provisions of thissection prior to amendment by this act. Thereafter, all appointments shallbe for termsof three years and until their successors are appointed and confirmed.
(c) Of the nine members of the board, there shall be:
(1) Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 75-4315c, andamendments thereto, two membersfrom the firstcongressional district, of whom one shallbe a lawyer registered with the Kansas supreme court, and at least one memberfrom each other congressional district in the state;
(2) at least one member from each county in the state having a populationin excess of 100,000, who shall be a lawyer registered with the Kansas supremecourt, but not more than five members from such counties; and
(3) five members who are lawyers registered with the Kansas supreme courtand four members who are not lawyers.
(d) No more than five members of the board shall be from the samepolitical party.
(e) No member of the board shall be, or shall be employed by, ajudicialofficer or a law enforcement officer and no member of the board shall bean employee of the board.
(f) Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior tothe expirationof the term for which such member's predecessor was appointed shall holdoffice for the remainder of such term.
(g) No member of the board shall serve more than two consecutivethree-year terms.
History: L. 1982, ch. 142, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 262, § 3;L. 1995, ch. 241, § 4; July 1.