22-4909. Information subject to open records act;nondisclosure of certaininformation relating to victim; website posting; notification of schools andlicensed day care facilities.(a) Except as prohibited by subsection (h) of K.S.A. 22-4906, and amendmentsthereto, the statements or any other information required by this act shallbe open toinspection by the public at the sheriff'soffice, at the headquarters of the Kansas bureau of investigation and onany internet websitesponsored or created by a sheriff's department or the Kansas bureau ofinvestigation that contains such statements or information,and specifically are subjectto the provisions of the Kansas open records act, K.S.A. 45-215 et seq., andamendments thereto, except that the name, address, telephone number, or anyother information which specifically and individually identifies the victim ofany offender required to register as provided in this act shall not bedisclosed other than to law enforcement agencies.
(b) Any information posted on an internet website sponsored or created by asheriff's office or the Kansas bureau of investigation shall identify, in aprominent manner, whether an offender is or is not a sex offender.
(c) The state department of education shall annually notify any schoolupon which is locateda structure used by a unified school district or an accredited nonpublic schoolfor student instructionor attendance or extracurricular activities of pupils enrolled in kindergartenor any grades onethrough 12 of the Kansas bureau of investigation internet website and anyinternet website containinginformation on the Kansas offender registration sponsored or created by thesheriff of the county inwhich the school is located for the purposes of locating offenders who residenear such school.
(d) The secretary of health and environment shall annually notify anylicensed child carefacility of the Kansas bureau of investigation internet website and anyinternet website containinginformation on the Kansas offender registration sponsored or created by thesheriff of the county inwhich the facility is located for the purposes of locating offenders who residenear such facility.
(e) Such notification required in subsections (c) and (d) shall includeinformation that thesheriff of the county where such school or child care facility is located isavailable to the school andchild care facilities to assist in using the registry and providing additionalinformation on theregistered offenders.
History: L. 1993, ch. 253, § 25;L. 1994, ch. 107, § 7;L. 1997, ch. 181, § 14;L. 2001, ch. 208, § 16;L. 2005, ch. 202, § 2;L. 2006, ch. 214, § 10; June 1.