23-114. Proof of relationship of parties; penalty for granting licenseto parties not entitled without examination.In all cases, before granting a marriage license the judge or clerk of thedistrict court shall require the applicant for such license to take andsubscribe to an oath to the effect that none of the reasons set forth inK.S.A. 23-102 exist why such applicant should not be granted a marriagelicense; and the judge or clerk may in his or her discretion examine witnessesunder oath concerning the matters referred to in K.S.A. 23-102, asapplied to the applicant for such marriage license, and for the purposeof this act shall have power to administer oaths. If the judge or clerkfails to examine such applicant for license as provided in this section,he or she shall be liable to fine for granting license to parties notlegally entitled thereto, in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars($1,000), to be recovered by indictment or information, with cost.
History: L. 1867, ch. 84, § 8; G.S. 1868, ch. 61, § 8; L. 1886,ch. 124, § 1; R.S. 1923, 23-114; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 125; L. 1977,ch. 109, § 25; July 1.