23-4,116. Act not limitation on other remedies.(a) Nothing in this act shall limit the authority of anobligee or public office to use any and all civil and criminal remedies inaddition to withholding to enforce an order for support including but notlimited to the setoff provisions of K.S.A. 75-6201 et seq., andamendments thereto, and section 464 of part D of title IV of the federalsocial security act.
(b) Nothing in this act shall limit the filing of any action to modifythe support order by the obligor.
(c) The rights, remedies, duties and penalties created by this act arein addition to and not in substitution for any other rights, remedies,duties and penalties created by any other law.
(d) Nothing in this act shall be construed as invalidating anyassignment of income executed prior to January 1, 1986, despite thepriority status given to withholding orders under this act.
History: L. 1985, ch. 115, § 12; July 1.