23-4,122. Same; duties of payor with respect to withholding order.(a) For purposes of the income withholding act and amendmentsthereto, service of a medical withholdingorder on an employer shall constitute service of the medical withholding orderon the sponsor or administrator of the employer's health benefit plan. It shallbe the duty of the employer to provide to the sponsor or administrator of thehealth benefit plan any information in the medical withholding order needed bythe sponsor or administrator to carry out duties pursuant to the incomewithholding act and amendments thereto.
(b) An employer, sponsor or other administrator of a health benefit planshall not unreasonably delay a child's enrollment pursuant to a medicalwithholding order. If there is a defect in the form or documentation, theemployer, sponsor or other administrator of a health benefit plan shall processthe enrollment to the extent possible and promptly inform the requesting personof any additional documents or information needed to complete enrollment.
(c) If a medical withholding order has been served and the payor hasdetermined that the child will not be enrolled immediately because the parentrequired to provide health coverage for the child is not eligible for familycoverage, it shall be the duty of the payor to promptly reconsider thedetermination not to enroll the child if the parent subsequently becomeseligible for family coverage.
(d) The payor shall deduct and remit premiums or other payments required bythe health benefit plan as provided in the plan.
History: L. 1994, ch. 301, § 17; July 1.