23-4,135. Modification of support and withholding orders; income fromother state, notice.(a) In a case being administered pursuant to title IV, part D, of thefederal social security act (42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.), as amended,theagency, upon receiving a certified copy of anyamendment or modification to a support order entered pursuant to K.S.A.23-4,129 and amendments thereto, shall initiate, as thoughit were a support order of this state,necessary procedures to amend or modify the income withholding order ofthis state which was based upon the entered support order. The court shallamend or modify the income withholding order to conform to the modified supportorder.
(b) In a case being administered pursuant to title IV, part D, of thefederal social security act (42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.), as amended, ifthe agency determines that the obligor has obtained employment inanother state or has a new or additional source of income in another state,it shall notify the agency which requested the income withholding of thechanges within five working days of receiving that information and shallforward to that agency all information it has or can obtain with respect tothe obligor's new address and the name and address of the obligor's newemployer or other source of income. The agency shall include with thenotice a certified copy of the income withholding order in effect in thisstate.
(c) In all other cases the obligee or the obligee's attorney, if any,shall initiate necessary procedures to amend or modify the income withholdingorder of this state which was based upon the entered support order. The courtshall amend or modify the income withholding order to conform to the modifiedsupport order.
History: L. 1985, ch. 115, § 25;L. 1994, ch. 301, § 29; July 1.