23-602. Same; when ordered; appointment and qualifications of mediator.(a) The court or hearing officer may order mediation of any contestedissue of childcustody, residency, visitation, parenting time,division of property orother issues,at any time, upon motion of aparty or on the court'sown motion.
(b) If the court or hearing officer orders mediation undersubsection (a), the court or hearing officer shall appoint a mediator, takingintoconsideration the following:
(1) An agreement by the parties to have a specific mediator appointed bythe court or hearing officer;
(2) the nature and extent of any relationships the mediator may havewith the parties and any personal, financial or other interests themediator may have which could result in bias or a conflict of interest;
(3) the mediator's knowledge of (A) the Kansas judicial system and theprocedure used in domestic relations cases, (B) other resources in thecommunity to which parties can be referred for assistance, (C) childdevelopment, (D) clinical issues relating to children, (E) the effects ofdivorce on children and (F) the psychology of families; and
(4) the mediator's training and experience in the process and techniques ofmediation.
History: L. 1985, ch. 147, § 2;L. 1986, ch. 138, § 3;L. 2000, ch. 171, § 6; July 1.