24-106. Same; landowners may construct outlets leading into generalcourse of natural drainage.Owners of land may drain the same in the general course of naturaldrainage, by constructing open or covered drains, into any naturaldepression, draw, or ravine, on his own land, whereby the water will becarried by said depression, draw, or ravine into some natural watercourse,or into any drain upon a public highway, for the purpose of securing properdrainage to such land; and he shall not be liable in damages therefor toany person or persons or corporation: Provided, That owners of landconstructing an outlet to a drain upon any public road, shall leave theroad in as good condition as it was before the drain was constructed, thequestion as to such condition to be determined by the board of countycommissioners and the county engineer in counties having a county engineer,and in other counties the county surveyor.
History: L. 1911, ch. 175, § 2; L. 1917, ch. 176, § 2; March 26; R.S. 1923,24-106.