24-122. Same; petition for return of powers to directors; election;transfer of funds.If at any time after the control of the affairs of any drainage districtshall have been vested in the board of county commissioners as hereinprovided, a petition signed by the qualified electors of such district, inan amount equal to fifty percent of the total vote cast for directors atthe last general election of directors in such district, shall be presentedto the county commissioners, requesting that the affairs and control ofsuch drainage district shall be returned to the board of directors electedas by law otherwise provided; then it shall be the duty of the board ofcounty commissioners to proclaim an election to be held in the mannerprovided for the election of directors in drainage districts to be held,and upon the election and qualification of such directors they shall bevested with all of the powers, duties and rights provided by law and vestedin the directors of such drainage districts, and the county treasurer shallpay over to the treasurer of such district, when elected and qualified, allfunds in his hands belonging to such drainage district, whereupon thepowers and duties of the board of county commissioners herein providedshall be superseded by the powers and duties of the board of directors ofsuch drainage district.
History: L. 1933, ch. 183, § 6; March 28.