24-124. Powers under 24-117 to 24-122 extended;additional powers.That when any drainage district organized under the laws of the state ofKansas has heretofore adopted a resolution as provided in K.S.A. 24-117to 24-122, inclusive, and as providedtherein turned the management and maintenance of said drainage district tothe board of county commissioners of the county in which said drainagedistrict is situated, and said board of county commissioners has assumedthe management, maintenance and control of said drainage district, saidboard of county commissioners after the effective date of this act,regardless of the population of said county shall have and there is herebyconferred on such board full power and authority to maintain, repair orimprove any and all drainage ditches, canals or dikes in said drainagedistrict and said board may further develop and improve said drainagedistrict by causing such new or additional drainage ditches, levees, dikesor other constructions to be made as said board may from time to time orderand direct.
That to pay for such maintenance, repairs, improvements or new andadditional ditches or other constructions, said board of countycommissioners shall have power and authority from year to year to levy ageneral tax not exceeding five mills on the dollar on all the taxableproperty within said drainage district. Said tax levy shall be in additionto all other tax levies authorized or limited by law. That on the takingeffect of this act, any money in the hands of the county treasurerbelonging to such drainage district may be used and expended by the boardof county commissioners of such county during the year in which this lawbecomes effective.
History: L. 1945, ch. 198, § 1; April 5.